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Hi luvs, you've made it to the end of book 2 


Thank you so much for joining in and reading the second book of Kya's journey. It's been quite the ride hasn't it,,, well it isn't over yet (ε )

I made a mini QnA for everyone who is curious to learn more about Kya.

Lets begin (o^ ^o)

Q: What's Kya's favorite pass time?

Well the answer to that is kind of weird. Her favorite pass time is different to what she actually does, she would like to sing, read books, and go on walks alone but in reality she just spends a lot of the time working out.

Q: What is Kya's favorite meal currently in the time line of Book 2?

I would say it's definitely grilled meat or Xiao Long Bao (aka soup dumplings) in terms of meals. While her favorite sweet is mochi, steamed sweet rice cakes and tarts but she doesn't get too picky when it comes to sugar.

Q: What's Kya favorite tea?

Either oolong or jasmine.

Q: Why is she named after her mother?

Well I thought to myself. What does Kya not have that her siblings do? Katara keeps their mothers necklace while Sokka inherited his fathers wit. I believe Kya is named after their mom because she's actually a lot like her in terms of personality. While canonically we don't know much about their mom, I would say her personality was similar to Kya's when she was younger. But the reality is that since Sokka and Kya are twins Sokka was named by their mom and Hakoda was so excited that the other twin was a girl that he named her Kya even though, Kya(their mom) wasn't too sure about naming her after herself. With a lot of persuading and baby Kya instinctively responding to the name they kept it.

Q: Is Kya going to have a blood bending arc?

Well whatever happens in Book 3 is up to your interpretation to decide if it's considered and arc or not. But I would say no it's not an arc, just wait and see.

Q: Does Kya actually like Akira?

Yes, she was actually interested in Akira but of course she fell in love with Zuko long before meeting her. Also Kya, as much as she liked Akiras personality, it was overwhelming for her since Kya can get overstimulated by a lot of noise and gets tired from social situations quickly. Which is why she talks more if the group she's with is smaller and/or quieter.

Now on to fun facts about Kya

She once tried to dance after seeing her mother dance along to a song, but Sokka made fun of her so much that she doesn't dance anymore, well at least not in front of anyone.

When Sokka and Katara would argue when they were kids (before their mothers death)  Kya would break up the fight by passively aggressively threatening to destroy their favorite toys or if it was Sokka's fault, hitting him on the shoulder while saying,"Learn to shut up once in a while," Which would get her in trouble a lot but she didn't mind because they were at least angry at her and not each other.

Whenever Kya eats popcorn or fire flakes she'll throw them in the air and catch them with her mouth, she never misses until the very last one which hits her nose, she doesn't know why it happens but she gets teased a lot for it.

She had a strange affinity for snow leopard caribous from a very young age. Her very first painting was of one when her mother was trying to teach her and Sokka to write.

Kya would always be the first to apologize in an argument with her siblings even if she knew it wasn't her fault just to cool things down.

When Hakoda tried teaching Sokka and Kya how to use a boomerang at the age of 7 Kya couldn't catch hers properly and ended up hurting herself so she never wanted to use it again. Leaving Sokka to master it and she turned to learn how to use a spear.

After the death of their mother Kya would sing to Katara every night for a month for about 3 hours until Katara was fully asleep because it helped Katara not have nightmares.

Katara once caught Kya and Sokka eating Aunt Asuna's seal jerky that was being saved for a local water tribe kids birthday when Kya and Sokka were 11.

Kya would visit her mothers grave every weekend and try to talk to her hoping it would help her feel better. A lot of the time she would be so tired from staying up the night before and would end up sleeping there, so Sokka would often make sure she wasn't alone when she visited.

Kya actually pushed Rui in the water when they first met because he was being pushy, although it was an accident.

Even though Kya stopped dancing for people she danced for Rui after his ice dodging trip. It was also the last time they actually spent time together before he left for the war.

Kya's dad taught her and Sokka how to hunt the seal so when the men left for the war. Sokka and Kya would go out to hunt the seal and drag it back on a sled. It would take them at least half a day to bring the seal back him because of the weight.

Katara was actually the one to teach Kya how to sew for when the clothes needed to be repaired.

Kya would do Katara's hair after their mom passed away because Katara was still too young and would get frustrated for not getting it right.

While Kya was a lot quieter then her siblings whenever Sokka had some crazy idea Kya would always be the first one to go along with it.

Kya used to have her hair in a long loose braid until a little after her mothers death

Kya prefers to wear pants on most days, she likes to dress up every once in a while, but only when she wants to.

If Kya was to describe Zuko during their trip in the Earth Kingdom as an animal she would call him a angsty bunny who lost their carrot.

Kya has a horrible habit of spacing out when she thinks something is too boring or overwhelming. So if someone were to ask her what's going on the only way she would know is trying to read the room, 8 out of 10 times she's right just from reading the room. This habit will naturally start go away eventually around book 3 and the comics.

Kya did almost kill herself after her mothers death but with the help of Rui she didn't, knowing nothing would change if she died and it would've left her family in a worse position then they already were.

Anyways guys thats all I got for now I hope you enjoyed Book 2!

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