Chapter 19

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We all looked over as the smoke faded to see Aang along side Iroh.

"Aang!" Katara yelled. We both ran over to hug him.

"Kya!" Aang said cheerfully.

"Hey kid," I smiled patting his shoulder.

"Aang, I knew you would come," Katara said hugging him again.

"Iroh," I said hugging him too. Iroh gave me a gentle smile as Zuko turned to him.

"Uncle, I don't understand. What are you doing with the Avatar?" Zuko asked pointing an accusatory finger at Aang.

"Saving you that's what," Aang spat.

Zuko tried going after Aang but Iroh stopped him as I stood between them.

"Zuko, it's time we talked," Iroh said then looked to us,"Go help your other friends. We'll catch up with you,"

"I'm staying," I looked to Katara and Aang, "You two go,"

Katara and Aang hesitated but then ran off. I turned back to Iroh, we both nodded at each other.

"Why?" Zuko asked as he looked away from us.

"Zuko what do you prefer, love or hate?" I asked

"Love," Zuko answered as I nodded.

"Anger or happiness?" I added.

"Happiness," He replied again, now facing me.

"You're not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger, and wiser and freer then you have ever been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good," Iroh said as I nodded encouragingly.

Zuko looked down to think. But the ground shook and crystals shot up from the ground encasing Iroh and I.

"This bitch doesn't know when to quit," I muttered.

"I expected this kind of treachery from uncle but Zuko, Prince Zuko, you're a lot of things but you're not a traitor, are you?" Azula asked manipulatively.

"Release them immediately," Zuko demanded.

"Its not too late for you Zuko. You can still redeem yourself," Azula smirked looking at me winking, I felt a chill quickly go down my body.

"The kind of redemption she offers is not for you," Iroh called out.

"Why don't you let him decide. Uncle," Azula said.

I kept my cold gaze on Azula who stole glances at me every so often, it was creepy.

"I need you Zuko. I've plotted every move of this day. This glorious day in Fire Nation history. And the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have fathers love," She looked over at me as if it was for me too,"You will have everything you want,"

"Do you really want that Zuko?" I said as he looked back to me,"Over the life we've made. Think about how happy you are here, with Iroh, with me,"

"Zuko. I am begging you. Look into your heart and see what it is you truly want," Iroh said.

"You are free to choose," Azula smiled at me before walking off.

Does she really think I'll switch too? She's crazy.

"We'll leave here together," Zuko said as our eyes locked,"I promise,"

I nodded as he ran off after Azula.

"I know Zuko," I looked down.

Why did it feel like I was saying goodbye?

"Deep down he will always be the Zuko you know. Don't forget that," Iroh said with the same look on his eyes that I did. I felt fear deep down in my heart, a fear I think I always had, the one I chose to ignore.

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