Chapter 8

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We prepared to go back out once more. Along the way things began to get more clunky with the three of us traveling. Especially Iroh, he may have been healed but the effects of the burn still left a sort of,,, sensation on his body. The easiest way to explain was that his body still remembers the trauma of being burned. At least thats what Iroh convinced us of what it was.

"Maybe we should make camp," Zuko said after a long while of Iroh loudly whining.

I nodded eagerly hoping we could just stop already. Iroh whining into our ears for so long made my eardrums want to burst.

"No please, don't stop just for me," Iroh said but he groaned louder. 

Zuko stopped the ostrich horse as I breathed out in relief. I jumped off and gave everyone a portion of cold water as Iroh went to lay on a rock. 

It had only been a couple of days since he was injured by today he should've stopped feeling so weary. That or he was faking it so we could stop and take a break more often. 

"Still too hot?" I asked Zuko who wiped his sweat.

"A little," He replied.

I hummed taking a bit of water, cooling it and splashing it on the top of his head.

"What was that for?!" Zuko yelled at me before feeling the water trickle down his face and relaxing a bit.

"For that," I replied with a tight smile.   

In that moment, we all heard stomping noises rapidly getting closer to us.

Zuko got defensive in a defensive position as I made a small dagger out of ice, still leaving a lot of water for us later.

 "What now?" Iroh asked in a sigh.

You took the words right out of my mouth Iroh

It seemed like the action never escaped us for too long. After a few moments five rhinos along with their riders surrounded us. They held a menacing look to the three of us. 

"Colonel Mongke, what a pleasant surprise," Iroh said stopping Zuko from attacking the strangers.

I clenched the dagger I had in hand. Knowing whatever happens it was going to end in a fight. 

"If you're surprised we're here then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps," Mongke said, he hit his wrist gauntlets together trying to intimidate us. 

"You know these guys?" Zuko asked confused.

"Sure, Colonel Mongke, and the Rough Rhinos are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapon specialist, they are also a very capable singing group," Iroh replied.

"We're not here to give a concert! we're here to apprehend fugitives," Mongke replied.

"Would you like some tea first?" Iroh asked calmly, "I'd love some, how about you Katchi, I make you as a jasmine man, am I right?"

"Enough stalling, round 'em up!" 

We all targeted one of the men, I went after the man with a spear.  I sliced his spear with the dagger before tying him with the reins of the rhino. By the time I turned around the rest of the guys were down. Except for where Zuko was so ran over and jump kicked the man off.

"Well that was surprisingly quick," I said to Zuko who nodded in agreement.

 Iroh quickly rode the ostrich horse as Zuko and I jumped on the birds back to made our escape.

A bomb was thrown in front of us. Iroh roughly stopped the bird making my face smash into Zuko's back. I whined as we then ran through the smoke and kept going. Looking back to make sure they didn't follow.

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 2 ATLADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora