The One With No Privacy

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-The Penthouse-
Zadie's POV:

"Hey, babe, what are you up to?" Chase asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

I looked up from my laptop, "Registering for classes for next semester. It's so weird that I'm already about to be a sophomore in college. As well as registering for stupid classes, I have to figure out where I'm gonna live next year. The dorm sucks. The guy across the hall won't stop smoking, I can hear everything my neighbors are doing, and I have absolutely no privacy whatsoever." I sighed, "I just wish all of it didn't have to be so stressful."

Chase shut my laptop and put it on the coffee table. "Then, don't make it. You can look at it later." He moved in closer.

Definitely liked where this was going.

Oliver cleared his throat, causing Chase and I to pull away from each other in a hurry.

"Come on, guys. The PDA?" Oliver groaned. "You're really just rubbing it in all of our single faces."

"Not like we get much privacy here, either." Chase mumbled.

"Sorry, Oliver."

"It's not that I'm jealous of a healthy relationship or anything, but it would just be nice to not hear everything. Don't forget our rooms are against each other." He motioned to Chase.

I put my head in my hands. "I can never show my face here again."

Oliver sat down beside us, "well, why don't you two get an apartment?"

Chase and I shared a look.

"It's not like I hadn't thought about it." Chase stated, "But missions would make living anywhere but here hard."

Wait, he's thought about moving in together??

Oliver shrugged, "Not like you get to missions same as the rest of us. Bree and Skylar super speed, Kaz and I fly...and well, you drive like a madman."

He does have a point.

Chase rubbed the back of his neck, "I're right?"

I looked between the two. "Oliver, will you excuse us? Chase and I need to discuss some things." I said, grabbing Chase's arm and standing up to go upstairs.

"Right..."Discuss some things". Thanks for the heads up." Oliver air quoted.

I rolled my eyes and left with Chase following.

"So, you've thought of living together? Like, here? In an apartment?" I paced as Chase sat on the edge of the bed.

He looked confused, "Zadie, we practically already did live together."

"On the island? Everyone lived on the island. It was like one giant dorm...for bionic people."

"Are you freaking out?" He began to grin.

I stopped and crossed my arms, scoffing, "what? I'm not freaking out."

"Really? Because it seems like you are." Chase smiled, pulling me to sit down next to him. "If you're not ready to move in together, we don't have to."

"No, it's really not that." I sighed, "I don't even know how to explain it. Like, for as long as we've known each other, we've been surrounded by everyone all the time. Sometimes, I even forget we're a couple and can do couple-y things. I mean, you know. We've never had our own space to be a... couple. Does that even make sense? Or does it sound like complete BS?"

"It makes total sense." He slightly shrugged, "Look, if you don't want to-"

"No, no, I want to." I put my hand to the side of his face, leaning in.

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