The One With the Whiskey

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-Louisiana State University-
Delta's POV:

LSU was just how I remembered it. Warm, hot, and humid. I had just moved in, and of course, had to FaceTime Adam first. I was freaking out about the roommate situation. Thank goodness I was able to request a roommate swap.

Whoever she was, she was moving in today.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean, can't get any worse than Caitlin." Adam joked.

He did have a point though. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Z got a random roommate. She says she's fine but hasn't told me much more about her though."

"Did you see who the new team is?"

"Yes. The people from Mighty Med. I was not expecting that. And the fact that it's literally right down the road from Northwestern. It's crazy. What's crazier is the fact that Bree was able to keep that a secret though."

"I wish LSU was that close to the Bionic Academy."

"You and me both. I'm lowkey regretting coming here."

"Del, you've only been there for a couple of days. It's your dream school. I'm sure it'll get better."

"But what if it doesn't?" I sighed, leaning back on my bed.

"Then you can transfer. Isn't that what your mom told you?"


"Okay, so don't stress about it. If you don't like it, then you can go somewhere else. But you've gotta give it a chance first."

"When did you get so smart?"

"When I started hanging out with you."

"Yeah," I nodded, "you right." I heard the door knob start to jiggle, "Ooh, Adam, I think she's here. I'll update you later. Love you." I hung up the phone.

I was surprised at who entered the room.


"Delta? Oh my gosh, are you my roommate?"

"I guess so!" I hugged her. "I was so worried I was gonna get some weirdo."

"I was too, but hey, at least I know you." She joked.

"Here, let me help you unpack."

-The Penthouse-
Zadie's POV:

After my first class, geology ended, I went to Centium City. I'm taking a class about rocks. Rocks. But hey, at least it means that I don't have to take biology. I walked into the penthouse where Bree and Skylar were just chilling in the kitchen. "Hey, Z." Bree greeted.

"I hate rocks."

She nodded as she understood and Skylar questioned, "Again, I'm from another planet, what does that mean?"

"It means I hate rocks. I'm taking Geology for my science course. When is this going to be useful? I don't need to know about rocks." I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, what are y'all up to today?"

"Nothing. No missions at all. It's a total snoozefest." Bree told me. "Or it would be if we didn't have you, Miss College Girl."

"I'm not tracking." I shook my head.

"Look, you're in college. You get to be a college student, I...we don't. That means we have to live vicariously through you."

"Oh....yeah, I'm still not tracking."

She groaned, "I'm saying: we should go to a college party."

I stifled a laugh, "Bree, I've barely been here five days, and I know three people at Northwestern. The dorm janitor, my roommate who's never there, and the weed guy across the hall, who I'm positive does not actually live there."

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