The One With Naomi

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-The Penthouse-
Zadie's POV:

I somewhat coached the team through the mission, but there wasn't much I could do. I literally felt like Leo doing this job, but if it meant internship hours and a possible career at Davenport Industries, I wasn't complaining. 

When the team was on their way back, I moved to the couch upstairs to work on schoolwork. There was only about two months left of school and I was already beginning to stress about finals. 

The door opened, and Chase was telling the team, "congratulations, guys. That was our tenth mission this week."

Oliver held his back in pain as he and Kaz sat on both sides of me on the couch. "Only ten? It feels more like a hundred. Using superpowers really takes it out of you. My whole body's sore."

"Yeah, mine too." Kaz also groaned. "Ah, oh, it hurts more to sit!"

"Okay, you guys haven't even had your powers that long, and you're already complaining?" Skylar judged. 

"Yeah, um I have been running hundreds of miles an hour since I was a baby." Bree sat by Kaz, taking her boot off. "Don't you talk to me about sore until you have bionic blisters." The three guys and I winced in pain when she took her sock off. "Rookies." She then stood up and walked up stares, complaining with each step.

"You know, I totally get what you guys are feeling." I told Kaz and Oliver as Chase sat on the edge of the couch behind the four of us. "When I started missions, I thought I was gonna die. I mean, who thought it was a good idea for mission suits to be leather and boots to be heeled. I'm just saying, if I could go in leggings and a t-shirts, mission would be way easier."

"You tell 'em, Zadie." Skylar agreed with me. Wow, we actually agreed on something.

Oliver sighed, "man, if we feel this bad now, what's gonna happen when we get older?"

"I don't know." Kaz shrugged, quickly grabbing his phone, "ooh! But I can show you what we'll look like. Yeah, I have this app that ages photos." He took a picture of Oliver. "That is you at 80." 

He looked like any other grandpa.

"Cute mustache." Skylar joked as Oliver looked disgusted. 

Kaz looked at the picture closely, "Mustache? Yeah, that's all nose hair."

"Guys, why are you so freaked out about growing older, anyway?" Chase asked. "It's just a part of life. Personally, I am looking forward to aging gracefully."

"Yeah, not me buddy boy. I better be the hottest grandma anyone's ever seen." 

"Oh, really, Chase? Aging gracefully?" Kaz took a photo of Chase. "Cause this is you."

Again, looked like any other grandpa.

"So? Big deal. That's what everybody looks like when they're 80." Chase brushed off. Literally what I'm saying.

"Dude, that's you at 40." Kaz told him. Yeah, right. 

"What! Gimme." Chase took his phone. "Yeah, you're gonna need a new phone cause this one just broke."

-The Next Day-

I hadn't gone back to my dorm. It was the weekend, so I usually stayed anyway. I had dozed off on the cyber desk in mission command since Chase was working on an anti-aging device all thanks to that stupid app. 

"Zadie." Chase tapped my shoulder, waking me up. "Why don't you go to bed upstairs?"

"No. I'm good." I yawned, turning my head and laying back on my arms. "I'm just taking a power nap."

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