Chapter 3

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Echo of the sand

Cactus led Uhar over the land that she called a 'desert,' he didn't get that word, but he was almost relieved to finally know what to call the sand below them. Cactus talked almost constantly as they flew, often forgetting that Uhar could barely understand her.

But it was helping though, giving him plenty of chances to figure out the strange language of the ancients. His mind was on overdrive as it tried to absorb the words spilling forth eagerly from Cactus' mouth. He'd never thought that the ancient tongue could have so many words, but here he was, listening to an impossibly large dragon talk on and on about everything that came to her mind.

It was only a few hours later when Cactus pointed at a structure on the ground, "there it is! Resistance base 7, home of Queen Blaze."

"Resistance?" Uhar echoed.

Cactus shrugged, "yeah, it's like when some dragons are in charge and the other dragons don't like that so they're resisting. Nightwings are trying to take over the world. Normal stuff. Everyone keeps telling me we're winning, but I don't believe it. We lost most of the rainforest already."

They landed outside the building and Cactus eagerly knocked a complicated rhythm on the door. It looked a bit like a cave, which made Uhar relax some tension that he hadn't realized was filling him up.

The door opened slowly, revealing an annoyed-looking dragon the same color as Cactus. He held a spear casually in one hand. He looked her over and then noticed Uhar behind her, freezing as he blinked a few times, probably trying to guess what kind of dragon he was.

Apparently, the Kiaen had been gone long enough for the world to truly forget them.

He hesitantly stepped aside when Cactus finished reassuring him, and Uhar followed her into the building. It was furnished ornately, covered with finely woven rugs and tapestries that reminded Uhar of warmth.

Another sandy dragon barred the way into an adjacent room, eyes wide as he took in Uhar's appearance. "Cactus... you were supposed to go scouting, not go find the weirdest hybrid I've ever seen. What is with those ears?"

Uhar frowned at him, flicking his ears purposefully as Cactus tried to explain. "This is Echo. I did find him, but I don't think he's a hybrid. He came from the north."

He sighed and took out a roll of paper, "Cactus. The Icewings are gone. The nightwings made sure of that. Their ice cliff might still be operational but it's not the most inconvenient thing to go around it."

Cactus glared at him, "I never said he was an Icewing. Just that he came from the north. Tell them Echo!"

Uhar blinked, realizing that she wanted him to back her up. "When I... came out... there was a lot of..." he squinted in Cactus' direction. "White stuff? Um... language, help."

She tilted her head, "white stuff that's like sand that falls from the sky?" she suggested.

Uhar nodded, "yes. That."

She nodded, "we call that snow."

Uhar nodded again. "There was a lot of snow. I went through it... and crossed a... cliff? It was big. Then the... sun disappeared and I fell asleep."

Cactus nodded, "exactly. He came from the north. We need to speak with Queen Blaze, see what she thinks is best."

The dragon sighed and stepped aside, letting cactus open the door beyond into a room where another sand dragon lay on a strange sling of cloth connected to two opposite walls. She looked up when the door creaked and sat up abruptly, smiling as she saw Cactus. "Ah, Cactus, do you know where my ruby earrings went? I could have sworn they were right here."

Cactus shrugged, "sorry, no I don't. Maybe they're with the rest of your jewelry?"

The dragon sighed and shook her head, "I'll keep looking later. Oh! Who's that?"

Cactus almost forcibly pulled Uhar from behind her, he suspected that she was getting annoyed at his constant hiding, but she didn't seem to understand how much bigger everyone was than they should be. It freaked him out every time. "My Queen, this is Echo. I found him during my scouting and figured you would be curious."

"He looks so odd it's sort of interesting. His scales are almost white. Say, do you think he's got icewing blood? Aren't they all dead?" Blaze's eyes were wide with curiosity, she extricated herself from the strange hanging cloth and pulled Uhar closer, looking him up and down with a grin, "wow, I would love to have a dragon like this one in my guard, if only cause he looks so weird that any dragon wouldn't even know what to do! He's kind of pretty, pretty enough that I wouldn't mind that. He's so small. Is he still a dragonet? We better keep him away from Burn, she'd want him for her weirdling tower..."

Uhar looked to Cactus for help but she was only watching with endless patience as Blaze went on and on.

"I do keep wondering about that blood though." Blaze frowned at Uhar, tapping her chin. "Do you mind if I cut you just a little bit?"

Uhar backed away, "why?"

Blaze frowned majestically, "you can do it yourself, I just want to see your blood."

Cactus sighed, "she's not going to let it go, might as well just do it."

Uhar frowned but extended a claw and ran it along his upper arm until it drew blood. "Are you... happy now?"

Blaze made an excited sound and Cactus blinked in shock at the cut. Both reactions that Uhar didn't get. It was just blood. He frowned down at the cut, it wasn't deep, he'd made sure, but it would still take a bit to heal.

"It's blue." Blaze stated. Looking at the cut with awe. "Just like the stories. It's almost pretty..."

Cactus gave her a worried look but only glanced back at Uhar, who still didn't get what the big deal was. Blood was blue. Right? She seemed to sense his confusion, because, in answer to it, Cactus cut her own upper arm letting him see the difference. Her blood was a bright red.

"I am not Ice." Uhar insisted, seeing where this was going. "Yesterday was the first I saw ice."

"Maybe your ancestors were icewings?" Cactus suggested.

"Well, he's plenty shiny." Blaze put in. "the pretty type of shiny." she added as if that meant anything.

"I'm not ice." Uhar insisted. But well... he was starting to doubt that.

Blaze sighed, "Then what are you?"

Uhar hesitated, "Caves."

"Alright," Blaze shrugged.

Cactus sighed, "how about we talk about this later, my Queen. Do you think we should tell Scarlet about him?"

Blaze muttered under her breath, "I don't trust Scarlet."

"No one does. But she's the head of the resistance."

Blaze waved a hand dismissively, "tell her if you want to, just let her know that he's got my protection. He's so strange in such a pretty way..."

Cactus nodded sharply. "Thank you, my queen."

Blaze looked back at the cut on Uhar's arm. And nodded back. "You don't have to tell Scarlet about him, but I do recommend you bring him to the others, they might get annoyed with me if they find out last, and they might insist on sending someone to check out those caves for moons knows why."

Uhar tilted his head, they were interested in the caves? Well, that might be for the best, bringing these giant dragons down there might be the only way to make Losei see reason. Cactus looked at him, "you alright with going on an adventure?"

Uhar smiled. "This thing is an adventure." 

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