Chapter 66

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Death shall come from above

Deathbringer hesitated, but slipped the ring back on and followed her through the open door. 

It took Deathbringer a moment to spot Soulseer, she didn’t look nearly as regal as he remembered, her eyes traced back and forth from the scroll she was reading, her talons tapping various objects around her as she read. 

A moment after the door swung open, Soulseer looked up with a frown, “I told you I am not to be disturbed-” she blinked at the empty air and squinted as if searching for invisible dragons. After a moment she looked back down at the scroll. “Going crazy…” she muttered. And without another word she began to write. 

Deathbringer inched closer, unwilling to disturb anything in case it alerted Soulseer to Glory’s presence. He stopped in his tracks as Soulseer began to dig her claws into the desk below her, she looked… almost murderous. Intriguing. 

She tore off a piece of the scroll and ripped it to tiny pieces as if to vent her anger, then she swept the objects off the desk and picked up a different scroll, glaring at it for several moments. 

“Come on you USELESS SkyWing, Tell the soldiers to ATTACK.” 

Nothing happened.

Soulseer gripped the scroll tighter, “TELL ORCA THAT YOU’RE BROKEN!!!” She then chucked the scroll across the room, and tore a third scroll to shreds. 

Well, Deathbringer had expected her to be angry, he just hadn’t expected her to be this… open about it. Then again, she thought she was still alone. She picked up the first scroll again and screamed at it. That was when Deathbringer decided that yes, this dragon was very very unstable. 

Off to the side, where Glory was, one of the scroll shelves toppled over. Glory probably tried to catch it, but that only resulted in an astonished RainWing turning half visible underneath the surprise and pain. 

Soulseer’s head snapped in that direction, and she screamed, “INTRUDER!” she glanced at the doorway, not knowing that the intruders had taken care of the guards already. 

Deathbringer leapt forward as Soulseer haistilly turned back to the scroll writing with messy almost illegible squiggles as she tried to write quickly, ‘Enchant this intruder to eat her own tail.’

Deathbringer had a knife out, slitting the queen’s throat before he could even process the words on the scroll below him. 

He glanced at Glory anxiously, but there was no tail consuming involved with her haisty return to invisibility. Deathbringer sighed in relief and took off the slate ring as the queen bled out below him. She was dead already from what he could see.

He shoved her body to the side to keep the blood from contaminating possibly important scrolls and turned back to Glory. 

Apparently, the easiest assassinaiton of his career had been the last one he would ever do. 



The dragon known to some as ‘Moth’ stared down at the ending battle with an almost smile. She wouldn’t have cared one way or another who had won, but this did make it easier for her. It was a thrilling tale of a daring group of individuals who’d saved their world from two evil queens. 

It was a tale that would be loved much more than a tale where the evil queens had won. A tale that would have made all who heard it hate the narrator with a burning passion as their voices and eyes spoke of their malice. 

Thankfully, ‘Moth’ wouldn’t have to deal with that again until the next dethroning of evil queens. It was a bit of a relief. 

She watched the ending battle for another few moments and then turned away, her scales changing from teal to ebony black as she left, but it wasn’t just her scales that changed, it was her entire being, the shape of her snout, the angle of her wings, the length of her tail. 

A moment later there was an entirely different dragon walking away from the battle, a dragon known to some as Foreverwatcher, the watcher and writer of the world, doomed to always see but never change. Foreverwatcher left the battlefield, mostly wondering how much chaos would be wreaked from the various loose threads of this woven tapestry. 

Behind her a loud cheer erupted as the resistance declared its victory beneath the light of a false brightest night. No one seemed to notice the egg upon the hatching peak cracking open under its light, or the panicked parents from the last three days, desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with their newly hatched dragonets.




There was no real reason to keep the war going after that. Fallingstar ascended peacefully to the NightWing throne, sending home the disoriented eye soldiers and trying her level best to repair her broken kingdom. 

No one knew exactly what had happened to Orca after the collapse of the eye, but a month after the assassination of Queen Soulseer, her advisors sent an official plea to Tsunami to take her throne. Tsunami did go, hesitantly I might add, but it wasn’t a trick, only resulting in the SeaWing princess becoming the newest addition to the queens of the past. 

After two throne changes, it was another surprise that after months of searching, the RainWings never did find their queen, only to be confirmed by Deathbringer after a long search that she had been executed shortly after her initial capture. 

With no living heirs, it fell to the rare appearance of democracy to decide their new queen, and it was a surprise to almost no one when Glory won the vote by a landslide. 

If you’re expecting me to list off all the other thones and surprising ways to put main characters on them, you’re dead wrong, that’s it. The three SandWing queens kept skirmishing and trying to gain enough support to take their throne, and the MudWings never did confirm the rumors of an assassination in the early days of the NightWing invasion of the rainforest. 

Though both still do have ruling faces so I suppose you’ll have to wait for time to take its course and reveal the random connections that you never expected. 

Soulseer gets stabbed in the neck one more time with every vote!!!

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