Chapter 65

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Soul sight

Soulseer stared at the messenger for a long moment as she explained the situation, clearly not believing it either.

“The palace is under attack by… ghosts?” 

The messenger nodded, “that’s what he said to tell you, my queen, you can ask him yourself next you see him.” 

Soulseer frowned and looked out the window, “what kind of ghost?” 

The messenger nodded in the clear-cut way that told of someone under the eye. She couldn’t mark this off as a joke then… “They look like dragons made of ice and snow, they’re attacking, we keep finding smaller ones in weird places.” 

Soulseer frowned, apparently monsters were coming back from their graves. She dismissed the messenger and sat at her desk with a sigh, glaring down at the scroll in front of her. Where had she been? 

Oh. that’s right. 

She wrote the passcode, watching as it sank into the page and the ink swirreled for a long moment, changing to the distinct shape of Ash’s face. “Yes, my queen?” his voice was distorted, but it was still distinctly Ash.

“How strained are the soldiers to the north and east?”

“If we remove any more, we will begin to lose land.” 

Soulseer grumbled, “alright, what about reserves?”

“I’ve already called them to action, every dragon under the eye will be battle ready as soon as possible.” he glanced off to the side, “approximately two hours.” 

Soulseer sighed, they could last that long. “Have you tried contacting Orca?”

Ash sighed, “she’s not too stable lately, I didn’t want to unless you deemed it a good idea.” 

“Connect me to Orca.” 

“Right away your majesty.”

A long moment passed. 

“HOW DARE YOU.” Orca’s voice came across the scroll.

“I apologize, Soulseer needs to speak to you.”

“What? Is she listening?”

“She is.” 

“Bah, I’m busy right now, trying to hunt down a traitor. What do you want?” 

Soulseer cleared her throat, “we are being attacked from three sides. SkyWings from the north, the resistance from the east, and… what I believe to be IceWings from the west. How much help can you send?” 

Orca was silent for a long moment. “None. And you would do good to execute that monster.”

“EXCUSE ME?” Ash demanded, “you CREATED me, maybe take some RESPONSIBILITY.”

Orca made a dismissive noise, “It’ll do nothing but enslave you. Kill it before it has a chance to slip you under its eye.”

Soulseer sighed and ended the transmission. Letting the two keep arguing in silence. 

She picked up the green and white scroll case. Perhaps it was time to figure out how it worked…


Sparks of a future

As the IceWings surged forward, Spark stood at their head, talons ready for anyone who resisted. Clay and his siblings stood just behind her to help the IceWings take prisoners as they captured the palace. 

Spark lost track of time as they moved forward, any soldier that laid down their weapons were detained and sent back through the ranks of IceWing soldiers until they were no longer a possible threat. 

The front lines swept through the NightWing palace without problem, it was going almost too smoothly as they stormed through the barracks, kitchens, and rooms, capturing all that would not resist and destroying all who would, wood was scorched and stone was darkened. 

All the while, Spark couldn’t help but worry that some random IceWing would find her stupid brother first. 

Until, of course, they entered a room and Spark stood face to face with her twin, feeling the flames along her wings rise with the emotion. 


Falling Ashes

Ash stared at his sister for a long moment, finally understanding what she was about to do. By the time he’d registered that he needed to get out of there, the large MudWing had him pinned. Instinctively, Ash tried to command him to release his grip, but all the MudWings around Ash must have taken the ‘cure’ because they could hear him, but there was no obligation to obey his pleas. 

Spark watched sadly as the large MudWing forced Ash’s jaws open, Ash wasn’t going down without a fight, he kicked and squirmed and tried to lash his tail, but he was pinned perfectly. In the manner that only one under the eye could achieve. 

The irony was bitter, as was the taste of the green flowers the other MudWings began to shove down his throat. From lack of air, Ash eventually swallowed. It wasn’t a purposeful action, more like an instinctive life saving one that was his body refusing to die. 

He had several moments as the MudWings released him, to try oh so hard to make himself throw up, but the moment his body began to digest the bitter flower, Ash felt the change in the world and himself. 

He fled from the body, becoming once more nothing but a drifting thought that Orca had dreamed up.

All that was left was a dragonet that blinked several times, confused about his surroundings. He examined the dragons around him, a bunch of slightly hostile looking MudWings and… was that Spark? She looked bigger than he remembered seeing her, her flame more controlled, her eyes less innocent. 

What had she done? How long had it been? 

The dragonet looked down at himself and concluded that he was no longer a dragonet, he was fully grown, his body strengthened with muscles he didn’t remember and his wings longer than he could have suspected possible. 

He folded them with a confused frown and looked back up at spark, “what… what happened?” 

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

The dragonet in a dragon’s body shivered, “I remember the NightWings… um… taking me to their queen? I remember her talking to me about… something? Then… I remember meeting the SeaWing queen and… I… I don’t know, how long has it been?” 

He shuddered and the large MudWing put a wing around him, “it’s alright, we’ll figure it out.”

Ash gets an hour of therapy for every vote!!!

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