Chapter 38

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Foeslayer had barely left the room that Glory had gotten her since she'd arrived, it wasn't that she cared about the stares or the fact that she was pretty much the only Nightwing in the war camp.

She didn't care that no one had tried to get her possible information yet.

All that Foeslayer could focus on was her grief. The last thing she remembered was an argument with Arctic and then flying away with her anger. The last time she'd seen her children was how long before that? Breakfast?

It didn't matter. All that Foeslayer knew was that they were all gone, and she hadn't even been able to say goodbye. Just because she'd been stupid enough to finally give up, to finally let her little broken family fall apart completely.

Because Foeslayer hadn't been strong enough to endure.

Because Arctic had been blind to his stupidity.

Part of Foeslayer wanted so badly to fly as fast as she could to the nearest library, and stay there until she found out what exactly had happened to her family when she'd left.

It was sort of relieving to see that the world was still in one piece, but Foeslayer didn't really care. All she wanted to know was how long her children had lived, how much of an impact on the history they'd made.

But she was too scared to look because of how likely it was that she would find nothing. History forgot most dragons. She didn't think that Darkstalker would have gone down without changing the world, but it was agonizing because Fewslayer didn't know. Whiteout could have ended up as anything. Anything from an icewing princess- if Arctic had his way -to a scholar.

Foeslayer had never regretted anything more than not paying more attention to Whiteout.

At least the nightwings had animus somewhere, which meant that at least one of her children had found someone. Hopefully, someone who had loved them as much as Foeslayer did.


Exotic things

When the summons arrived, Exotic was ready. She was also excited, almost excited enough to leave right then and fly and fly and fly until she found the island in question, dance around it for a few hours, and never stop.

That was silly though because Exotic was so excited that her scales absolutely refused to stop being yellow, which was fine, yellow was a nice color. She looked at her scales though, and all she could remember was Glory explaining to Exotic's wing of spies that the best way to be a spy was to never let herself stand out.

And this shade of yellow really stood out.

Plus camouflage was only useful if it worked.

So Exotic clenched her talons and let out a long breath, determined not to think about how excited this was making her. She'd found that if she didn't think about things like that, she could generally trick herself into believing it.

Once her scales were a more sedate color, she headed through her barracks and into the hidden caves below the base, shivering her wings at the cramped and dark corridors.


Three hours later, Exotic was flying with her two partners, Panther and Cacao. They were the first and only team to be sent to the fallen base for reconnaissance. Exotic was proud that Riptide and Tsunami trusted her team more than any other.

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