Chapter 24

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Echo of freedom

Uhar watched as the crazy Icewing glared at the firebreathers. Sunny was annoyed, glaring right back, "oh? And what are we meddling in?"

Frost hissed again, prowling into a better defensive position. "This is an enemy to the icewing throne. I may not know why she's here, but I do know that she must deserve it."

Cactus glared at him, "that's dumb. You haven't met Blaze, so I'll spare you the details, but I know from experience that not all queens deserve their title." Uhar looked at Cactus, knowing immediately that that had been the wrong thing to say. Cactus didn't seem to see it though, and if she did she wasn't stopping either way. "I've contemplated killing my own queen so many times that it's not even funny."

Frost narrowed his eyes, hissing growing a more dangerous type. Suddenly he was on Cactus, clawing at her, "you take that back! My queen is the wisest dragon I've ever known."

Uhar watched with a shocked gaze, mouth hanging open in the middle of asking Cactus to stop. They were... they were fighting. In theory, Uhar knew what fighting was, but he'd never done it himself. He'd never even known anyone who'd done it themself. He knew in theory that this was what war was, but it didn't mask his horror as Cactus' warm blood spilled onto the ice.

Cactus was bleeding. Bleeding. Bleeding for what she believed in.

And Uhar wasn't even trying to help her.

He felt the anger well up in his throat, the fear, and indecision. The pent-up confusion and anxiety from the past few weeks. The worries that he couldn't help anyone, that everyone would forget everything and no one would remember those who were lost. That no one would remember his mother or all the other dragons who were gone.

That no one would remember him when he was gone.

Uhar felt it rising rising rising... like a dragon in flight for the first time, like a chilly wind that refused to be halted or slowed. That anger morphed into something far far more concrete, cold and terrifying, and far far more dangerous. It all spewed out of him like he was sick, all over what just so happened to be in front of him.

The black dragon covered with ice.

That vomit of stuff was more elegant than he'd expected, almost beautiful in a way as the breath froze in the air, almost as if liquid ice, still as cold and deadly. It hit the black dragon covered with ice and settled onto her, coating her in a fine layer of frost.

Uhar didn't have enough time to register anything that was happening, because after the breath settled, the ice began to crack. 


Every vote gives Uhar another moment of peace, and Frost another slap on the face!

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