Chapter 61

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Seer of Souls

The Seer of Souls glared down at Morrowseer as he delivered the prophecy. It was once more a very simple prophecy, which made her wonder if his powers were giving out on him, which would mean that she could have to get a new head seer… and then they would have to train more seers and then they might get someone too powerful for their own good, or moons forbid Fallingstar got some individuality. 

One would assume that as the queen’s only heir, Fallingstar would be proud or at the very least strong, but no, she was a terrified ball of anxiety, which was only made worse with her unbound powers. 

Blah blah blah. 

Anyway, Morrowseer was getting bad at his job. The prophecy wasn't even an important one. It warned of some weird crap going to happen with the moons or something in a week or so that might change any NightWing eggs hatched that night, but she didn’t really care unless it made conquering easier. 

“Yeah, yeah, go tell the hatching peak dragons to keep a lookout for anything weird but not to stop it unless it looks like someone is going to die.”

Morrowseer nodded seriously and headed off as Soulseer frowned at him. If she did remove him from duty, he might not like it much, and who said she couldn’t let him keep a meaningless title? It was meaningless anyway… she could just appoint new dragons and move around Morrowseer’s duties, it was as easy as reading a soul.

The queen of the NightWings looked upward as a messenger marched through the doors, looking slightly panicked as he stepped forward. He had the measured gait of a dragon under the eye though, so the slight panic stood out more, what had he seen? Was he afraid of her? That would make sense, Soulseer took great pride in her presentation of terror. 

The messenger made the measured salute of a soldier under the eye, “permission to speak, your majesty?” 

Soulseer took several moments to answer, reveling in the look in his eyes, the look that always betrayed what soldiers like this were really feeling. Suddenly she remembered this particular dragon, the reader had judged him as mostly evil after an attempt to help the rebellion steal the reader over a year ago.

Finally Soulseer tilted her head, “granted.” 

The messenger glared, but his voice was even without rhythms of emotion. “Yesterday morning at the northern outpost, your scouts spotted large groups of SkyWings mobilizing toward the night kingdom. They haven’t stopped since and are estimated to arrive sometime next week.”

Soulseer scoffed, “what, are they finally surrendering?” 

“Forgive me, your majesty, but they also sent several messages.” He took out a scroll and handed it to a servant, who rushed it up to the queen. She took it gruffly and unrolled the scroll.

It was a simple message, with elegantly sweeping letters that were more legible than most.  As if Scarlet had made her royal Typographers write it out. It was a single sentence:

“Tell Soulseer we’re willing to negotiate her surrender, We the dragons of the sky will never bow to a dirty NightWing.”

The word ‘her’ was underlined and circled, as if to make a point. Soulseer stared at the page for a long moment, but after that, the scroll didn’t last long, it was ripped, shredded, and otherwise dismembered before she could even come up with a new thought. 

She immediately dismissed the messenger, she would have executed him, but then she wouldn’t be able to watch him give up.

After he left, the door opened again. Bah, she needed to change up the requirements for getting in here… 

This time, the dragon in front of her -or rather dragons- she knew immediately upon sight, Feirceteeth, the head dragon of the… camel incident. The other dragons she’d sent to the grave were there too, minus Secretkeeper’s two dragonets. 

They had sacks with suspicious lumps and Feirceteeth held a scroll before her, presenting it to the queen with a majestic flourish. “The great scroll of the maker of peace.” 

Soulseer suddenly felt much much more pleasant. The servant fetched the scroll, handing it to the queen as she gazed at it with desire. Ah, such a perfect course of events. She examined the scroll case, green and white, with patterns that resembled words… actually, those were words. 

“For only the worthy.” 

Oh. That was just perfect! Soulseer knew already that she fell into that category, she was the most worthy dragon in all of Pyrrhia. 

Soulseer gets dumber with every vote!

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