Chapter 7

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The largest egg

On her day off, Spark didn't do much. She always tried not to do much, mostly because dragons had a tendency to avoid her. And it wasn't even really a conscious decision on their part, she just made them uncomfortable.

Well, she made herself uncomfortable too, so there.

Spark crouched in the rocky cave, humming to herself as she watched the bug scuttle away from her. The last bug had only lasted two days, but this one was a survivor. Spark liked that, she liked it when they were smart because then she could get attached without being worried about them... dying.

This one had lasted three weeks though. It was promising as long as no one interfered. Spark inched forward as the bug continued its scuttling. She had no idea what it was doing. But that didn't matter. This one was a survivor.

She wished she could take up the bug's example and be a survivor. But well... there were too many issues with trying to stop her life in its tracks. Ash was the biggest problem. The little idiot didn't even seem to wonder if she even wanted to be there. No, he was always off in his own world using fancy words as his weapon and trying over and over to convince literally everyone that Queen Soulseer's ideas were great.

Never mind the fact that Spark was the one who had to kill to make that beautiful future happen. She made herself sick sometimes, but Soul held Ash's head on the line. Kill, or your stupid brother gets it. And even though Spark had talked to Ash about it over a million times, Soul had some kind of spell on him because he never seemed to remember it the next time Spark saw him.

It was infuriating, but Spark couldn't do anything, refused to do anything. Becasue she still loved her stupid brother. She put her head on her front talons, watching the bug and wishing more and more with each passing second that she was that bug. That bug only had to worry about living.


On the field of battle, Spark killed with a touch, hating herself with every tap shove, and tackle. Skywings, Mudwings, and Sandwings fell beneath her flames, Rainwings spat their venom but it didn't stick, Sandwings stabbed at her but their barbs burned away.

Spark was so invinsible that it scared her. Firescales. Burning from the inside. Kill kill kill.

I only kill for him.

Spark didn't enjoy it, she almost wished that someone would get lucky and somehow kill her, but she didn't want that, not really. What she really wanted was to be left alone. Right then though, she had to kill. And so she did, the warmth inside her spreading outward to encompass and destroy.

She set them all on fire with a touch, sparing those she could but mostly just a monster on the front lines. Most of them didn't even know she was coming until it was far too late, which made it only worse.

A Seawing wearing the colors of the enemy came toward her, looking her up and down and deciding that this was the firescales. But regardless of Spark's expectations, the Seawing charged forward, flashing all of her scales at once as a distraction. A distraction that Spark hadn't expected. She rammed a spear through one of Spark's wings, turning to the side at the last moment as the flames traveled up the spear, and leaving it there to burn.

Spark screamed, an echo of those she'd killed. Oh, so much death... she pulled the spear out of her wing and tried to go after the seawing, but she was long gone, only having done that to distract Spark as the enemy surged forward.

Spark was grounded for the rest of the battle, but Soul would see that as no excuse to stop killing. As long as she could touch her enemies there was no reason to stop. No reason to rest. 

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