Chapter 50

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Deepest blue

Tsunami glared at the report, knowing exactly why Scarlet had decided it was a good idea. It was Tsunami's own fault for not consulting her about the IceWings. Now Scarlet was holding something arguably worse above Tsunami's head. She set the report down and Foam gave her a hesitant smile.

"So, uh, from your expression, it's not good?"

Tsunami sighed and set her head down on the desk, "it was my own fault."

Foam cleared his throat as Tsunami mourned her stupidity, "what, was your fault, might I ask?" 

"Scarlet got her revenge for me keeping the IceWings from her." 

Foam frowned and raised an eyeridge, "what did she do?" 

Tsunami lifted her head, "she got an entire base with a stable greentop production." 

Foam gaped at Tsunami, looking at the report with a new appreciation, "isn't that good though? We've been looking for a way to make them stable since we found out what the plants could do!" 

Tsunami glared at the report, "well, yes, it's all well and good, except, Scarlet refuses to share her greentop. She explains in the report how it was done, but apparently, it won't work at very many other bases, so I need to find something for her to hold over my head so she'll feel that we're even. Otherwise, she won't share her greentop." 

She slumped her head back onto the desk and Foam gave her a wide-eyed look, "what about the spies and secrets you gave her?" 

Tsunami sighed, remembering the loss of such beautiful tools, "apparently she's still mad, and that only counted for part of her compensation."

Foam looked out the window with a troubled glance, "that queen is absolutely impossible..." 

"She just likes to watch me squirm." 

"I think that's just her entire personality." 

Tsunami snorted and looked up at Foam, finally noticing the look on his face, "alright, what happened?" 

He sighed, "two things. Echo returned from the mission and would like to talk to you later today about something. And the second thing... Remember Frost?"

"The IceWing who decided to live alone in the forest a few weeks ago?" 

Foam nodded, "he appeared at the base late last night, apparently, he wants to ask you something."

Tsunami frowned, "is he still here?" 

Foam nodded, "he came back just a few hours ago." 

Tsunami pushed the troubling report aside, "alright, you can send him in now."


The IceWing came in when Foam left, looking around Tsunami's office with a concerned and curious expression. He didn't look nearly as angry as he had the last time Tsunami had seen him. 

He sat down across from her and waited. Alright then, apparently Tsunami had to talk first. "So what was it you wanted to discuss?" 

Frost shifted his position, "um... so I've heard about dragons that are magical, how rare exactly is that?" 

Tsunami blinked, "you mean animus dragons?" 

Frost nodded, "yes, I think that's the word."

"Well, animus dragons have existed for as long as there have been tribes. It's genetic so you would get it from your parents. The SeaWing royal line has had it for a very long time, and my sister is an animus, part of the reason she's so dangerous." Tsunami gave him a curious look, "why do you ask?" 

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