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 Echos of the future

Four months after the comet, before most of the earlier mentioned things occurred, Uhar was very sure that he would eventually be forgotten. 

Everyone was forgotten, it was just the way of the world, it still brought sadness to him whenever he thought about it, but that sadness didn’t have to change him. 

He sat right beside Cactus the night before they were to leave, he was determined to leave no path untraveled and no curiosity undocumented. Considering the grass incident, he decided that relying on pre-explored things was pointless. Libraries were a dream, sure, and he was determined to visit every one of them, but there was far more to life than seeing the discoveries of others. 

He had to make his own discoveries. 

Uhar glanced up at Cactus as she steadily grew tenser. Perhaps she wasn’t feeling alright, maybe they needed to put off their departure a few more weeks. 

She looked down at him and he smiled, which seemed to change something. 

“So… are you excited to leave?”

Uhar shrugged, “yes, no? There’s lots of mixed feelings about doing something new.”

Cactus laughed bitterly, “oh, I certainly know that….” she smiled and looked out at the horizon. “Have you ever thought about… um… finding a mate? What she would be like, and stuff?” 

Uhar blinked and looked out at that same horizon, “well… sometimes. I know it’s weird, but usually when I wonder that, all I can think of is someone like you. Someone dependable and kind.” He smiled up at her, letting his ears rise with happiness. 

Cactus froze, staring at him. Had he said something wrong? “well… if I ever find a mate, I hope he’s like you too.”

Oh. yeah he could see how that had sounded awkward. But still… it made him happy inside to hear. Cactus was amazing, and to think she was looking for someone like him… That was an intriguing thought. “Thank you!” He smiled awkwardly and she smiled back. 

A few tense moments passed and his ears moved back to their usual position. “Echo… sometimes I think I might be in love with you, is that weird?” 

Uhar blinked and looked back up at her, “no, that’s not weird, sometimes I wonder that about you. We’re going to be alone a while out there, perhaps we’ll figure it out somewhere along the way.” Internally, he was panicking, trying to figure out how this all fit together, how in the world Cactus could maybe be in love with him. 

She didn’t disagree though, and that made him calmer. He had time to figure it out. 

The end of Wings of Evolution part one, Night

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