Annoy toy

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After what felt like forever, you finally woke up to Tomoe tapping your forehead.

"You've been out here almost the whole day, Y/N" he said
"Oh Umm" you fixed your posture feeling your nvm ache and sore from the wooden beam. "Ow" you muttered rubbing your shoulder
"Who told you to sleep on wood?" He said annoyingly
He then moved you forwards, crawling behind you and started to give you a light massage on your back and shoulders. Stunned by his sudden kindness, and movements. You sat silent as he massages for what felt like a couple minutes
"Mikage told me to help you cook tonight. For dinner.." you said lowly
"Hm.." he hummed "okay"
You softly grinned to the floor below you, You thought "I wonder how much could he take for the wild in the fox to come out.." you rolled your eyes at this as it was a stupid thought.. biting your bottom lip as Tomoe went over a sore area, you twitched.
"Right here then" Tomoe said sighing, he then went back over to the area more gentler. Your tensed body relaxed.
You're head shot up suddenly hearing soft movements and steps as if they were next to you.
Sounding similar to Mikages steps and footsteps, you relaxed back down.
"What was that?" Tomoe said interested
"It looks like Mikage is going to call for you.. right n-"

"TOMOE?" Mikage shouted from inside the shrine

You turned inside inside the shrine, seeing Tomoe with his eyebrows raised at you "how did y-" you cut him off
"I don't know, I just knew" you said pulling away from him and standing up, bending over to him "thanks for the massage Tomoe" smiling at him and patted his head, and flicking the tip of his ear
Tomoe twitch at the flick, and watched you pull away
Snapping out of it when Mikage walks in on both of you
"Tomoe cant you hear me?" He said from the door
"Yes I did, what do you want?" Tomoe sat up and brushed himself off
"What's for dinner?" Mikage asked cheerfully
"That's what you called me for?" Tomoe seemed annoyed at this
You giggled
Tomoe walks in the shrine angrily, you follow him inside.
"It'll be done soon, I'll call for you when it's done" you said passing him in the doorway.
Mikage nodding as you pass by. You nodded back.

Following Tomoe inside the shrine and into the kitchen. You sit down and watch him. Tomoe noticing seconds after you sat down.

"What?" He asked madly
"Nothing.. just watching" you replied mockingly smiled leaning into the counter and cupping your face.
Tomoe huffed "don't touch anything" he demanded
"I won't" you answered
Watching Tomoe cook and prepare dinner seemed satisfying, you didn't feel hungry but it sure did look appetizing.
You saw some baby carrots and quickly sneaking up behind Tomoe, quickly noting how tall he was again. He didn't seem he felt your presence yet, once he looked the other way you snuck some carrots into your hand and went back to your seat.
Tomoe looking up to the wall, from the back of his head, he was already upset. He slowly turned to you, seeing a couple baby carrots in your hand and one in your mouth.
"How did you get that?" He said
"I grabbed it, obviously" you munched another
Tomoe then turning back around seeing the rest of the carrots and how close they were to him, you shook his head softly. You smiled to yourself on how impressively sneaky you was to be next to and stealing some carrots next to a once "wild" fox.
You thought "maybe, he's tame.. he lost his spark for danger.. he should've felt you was behind him"
You nodded at your thought and munch on another carrot.
"Be quite with those" Tomoe huffed, his tail twitching and swaying
"Okay okay Jeez" you replied

After some time cooking

"Set the table" Tomoe asked
Quickly getting up and setting up the table, Leaving Tomoe to plate the food.
Onikiri and Kotetsu come in the common area with Mikage
"Smells Wonderful" Mikage says sitting down at the chabudai at the farthest corner of the kitchen.
Tomoe then comes in with a tray filled with food, and plated the table soon the whole table was filled.
Milage raising a class of Sake Tomoe filled for him
"To Y/N, my new Familiar"
Tomoes jaw dropped. "WHAT?!"
You fall to the ground laughing
"Well yes Tomoe-" Mikage replied calmly
You rolled and tossed laughing and wheezing on the floor from the expression on Tomoes face.
"Oh my, what a grateful day" Onikiri joyful said
"Very much indeed" Kotetsu added
Tomoe anger he could have smoke coming out his ears if he could.
You relaxed and calmed down from your laughing for sitting back up and raising a glass as well
"Feels good to be here"
You and Mikage shoot one back and slamming your cups down, laughing some more together.
Tomoe did not like that one bit.
"Relax, sit down" Mikage said "come here"
Tomoe huffkng and sitting next to Mikage at the Chabudai.
You noticed a separate small side dish filled with baby carrots. You smiled softly at Tomoe, grabbing the side dish and placing it by you. Tomoe blushed lightly still upset.
Mikage seeing him blush and looks at you and winks patting Tomoes back.
The night ends with all of you feasting and enjoying the night. Mikage ends up drunk and as well as you. Tomoe didn't partake in events as he was still angery you are now a familiar along with him.

Tomoe cleans up the table and sets Mikage to his room to for rest. Onikiri and Kotetsu leaves as well. You slowly drunkly attempts to fall asleep in the common area. Your body feels too heavy to move. You stumble over almost hidden from sight behind the table.
Tomoe walks in and does not immediately see you, he huffed and walked back out "where have she gone to now?"

You hearing him, you lift your head up over the table to not see him. You decided to look for him so he knows not to go far in search of you.

"I'm..I-" you drunkly said mumbling, almost giving up speaking overall. You stumble getting up, knocking the hairpin out of your hair on the table getting up. "Oop, this is mine haha" you giggled grabbing the hairpin and pinning it to your kimono.
Slowly walking out the common area, looking up and down the halls to not find Tomoe. Seeing Mikages room and closed and with the lights turn off, you silently move past his room controlling your giggles.

"There you are?!" Tomoe shouted from down the hall. You turned around seeing Tomoe walking towards you with intense anger.
"You're always- 𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙠 - angry Tomoe" you mumble said, Tomoe coming close to you, you turn back around and ran away from him.
"Little girl!" He shouted immediately correcting himself "come back here" he said lowly almost growling
Giggling, grabbing the corner and looking back at him before you disappeared "no." You continued to run away from him. Tomoe stunned you said no, he chased you. He quickly caught up, you then slipped through an open window leaning to the garden.
You looked behind you, to see Tomoe struggling through the window. You giggled and quickly climbed up at tree, hanging upside down by your knees, you swayed as you giggled. Your hair swayed in the breeze. You opened your eyes to see Tomoe right beside your head on the branch below. Face to face. Tomoes face from anger and panting to relaxed and with the same expression from that day in the kitchen. Tomoe slowly grew closer to you. Inches away from your nose. In a trance he seemed like he wanted to do this, his eyes twinkled in the moonlight and his hair seemed to turn gold right infront of you. You blinked a couple times before you could realized what was about to happen. His lips landed on your yours. Stunned you stood still. He pulled away from his kiss.
"What?" You whispered "why?"
Tomoe stared at you lovingly, almost not bothered he did this.
"Because I wanted to." He said softly, looking at the moon above.
You slowly got off the branch you hung on, and sat next to him below.
"I suppose.." you mumbled still drunk "um..
going inside" you jumped off the tree and started to walk inside leaving Tomoe in the tree.
You went into your room, sliding the door closed and dropping to the floor immediately after.
"What the fuck" you whispered
Hearing footsteps on the shrine you covered your mouth, tomoe stops infront of your room, seeing his silhouette, he places a hand on the door, quickly pulling it away and continue to walk down the hall assumably to his room.

You climbed into bed and fell asleep to what felt like endless thoughts.

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