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As you and tomoe look off into the sky, admiring the birds that flew by, enjoying each other's peace and energy.. a grueling irritating voice became louder

"He's awake" tomoe stood up before you to lend a hand, you smiled accepting his offer of helping you stand.

"Wait!? WHO!? I AM NOT WHO YOU THINK I AM!!?" Your father shouted "THIS IS A MISTAKE!"
"WHO let the rat in?" You bent over knees to chest "only YOU have the power to accept and deny requests and offers to the council." You tilt you head and smirked before stand up

"I.. it wasn't like that..it must be a mistake.." your father struggled to find the words that could possibly save his own life

"You banished my wife. This was YOUR plan. Why?" Tomoe asked sternly yet calm

You turn around and walked a few feet away, turning your head just enough to listen to the conversation.

Your father was a silent.

"No reason? For fun perhaps?" Tomoe continued "I just think it's funny how you thought banishing her, would get rid of your problems.. but here we are.. with a problem within its self.."

"I.. no!" Your father stuttered "it wasn't supposed to be like this!"

You immediately turned around causing your father to jump.

"YOU DID THISSSSS!!!!!" You gasped for air, shaking poking at him, taking a breath, calming down; you continued.. "and I thank you" you smiled "without for you banishing me, I wouldn't have found my Tomoe. My home. My future."

"You were supposed to be the next lord." Your father spoke up
"I am one. A god." You showed him your lands god mark. Leaving him in shock. "And I also have no use for you, father."

Air cracked, and ears went silent as your fathers face turned from shocked and worried to numb, and statue... lifeless.


His head rolled to your feet.

"Too soon?" Tomoe shyly asked
"Couldn't be more on time" you looked up to him and smiled. "I'm free now"

"You've always been free, my love" Tomoe threw his katana next to your father "Ill get a new one"

You giggled, you grabbed his arm and headed back into the shrine. Just before entering a blue sparkling almost translucent butterfly landed on your forehead
"Hello Mikage" you softly said "is this good bye?"
The butterfly flew to Tomoe shoulder.
"I hope it's just for now.." Tomoe turning red
"No need to cry Tomoe, he'll be back soon." You whispered hugging him

You lifted a finger for the butterfly to crawl on, lowering it to your face and whispering "you're always welcome, take care of yourself."

The butterfly then flew away leaving behind in its trail sparkles before disappearing in thin air.

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