I love you

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You swiftly walk past Mikage and into the bathroom thinking to yourself..
"There isn't.. maybe he doesn't.. no way"
Standing infront of the mirror, staring at your reflection. Ears twitching, blinking as if your eyes were fogged. Just staring at yourself.
Realization clicked.

"He planned this." You whispered to yourself. Eyes widened. In Aw.

"How come I didn't see this coming.." your head leaned back, eyes closed. Accepting defeat.

You thought.. "if he did. Then he's one hell of a god."
Scrunching your eyebrows, shaking off the thought that came next.

"I love him... I love him?"

You walk dropping your robe, to turn on the shower, standing under the water as it heated up. The shock of the cold water running down your neck blurred your mind. Not hearing the door open and shut quietly.
You stood there with your mind blank, with a single most beautiful powerful thought. Tomoe. The wild fox. The one you just slept with. Waiting for you.. in the very room you; yourself lay your head at night.

That thought was interrupted by arms wrapping your waist. Your eyes shot open, not moving a single muscle. You felt, alarmed but not quite afraid. These arms you see, you recognize.

"Tomoe" you whispered sweetly and softly "hello"
The water started to just hit the right temperature, your body started to loosen and get comfortable. Your mind resumed about Tomoe, but this time.. it even questioned itself.

"Do I love.. tomoe?.. even if.. does he love me?"

Tomoe held you under the warm water for what felt like a second, with him; time felt like it was flying by.

His head on your shoulder, nose to your neck, arms around you keeping your arms tucked in.

"Cared if I joined?" He says, voice so soft.
"You're already in here" you giggled turning towards him.
Seeing his lean yet muscular frame, you run your hands up his body and look at his face analyzing his features. You thought. "If he doesn't love me, and he was just using me.. he's so gorgeous, I wouldn't want to forget a face like this."
You smiled softly at your thought.
Tomoe stares back, pulling you closer.
His face gives away that his mind was racing.
His eyes moves around your face. His hand raises and with his thumb caresses your bottom lip.

You see his eyes change, more soft and relaxed. His shoulders begin to slowly drop. He pulls you in for a hug. You hugged him back, confused.

"Y/N" he says, pulling away from the hug, and staring into your eyes. He grabs your hands and looks down at them.
"Yes?" You reply worried.
You thought "this must be it.. this can go south really fast"
There was a moment of silence before he spoke again.

"I-.. um" he voice shuttered "I understand if you don't.. this can all stop if you just say the word.. but I love you."

His words took you back. Your eyes widened, jaw nearly dropped. He slowly raised his head, his face of mixed emotions. Fear, worry, realization.. love. But most importantly... he was crying. Despite being in the shower, his eyes were red, nose and cheeks flush and glowed shy pink.

He sniffles, letting out a tiny cry, squeezing your hands "please tell me you feel the same way"

You felt rushed. You didn't know this was coming so soon. Yet you tried to speak. Nothing came out.
He cried some more. You pulled him in for another hug. Feeling his warmth, seeing his tears, he caressed you back, maybe even tighter than you.
You spoke.
He sniffles and tears stopped.

"I feel the same."

"What?" He lifts his head up from your shoulder "say that-" you cut him off
Tears still in his eyes, lip is quivering.

"I feel the same way, Tomoe... i love you"

His eyes shot open "YOU DO?!"
You giggle "yes"

He hugs you again, lifting you up. You wrap your legs around him.

Even though you questioned yourself if you did really love him.. saying that to him, didn't feel wrong. Didn't feel fake. It felt right.

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