The last war for my kindom

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"Father, give me the details!" You shouted

Your father already out of breath, he manages to tell you; "They've come back. Enemies must've heard you were alive. They want war. Half the village is gone already.." he takes a breath and falls to his knees trembling

You never seen a grown man, yet alone your own father be like this. Scared like a child.

Tomoe grabs you and roughly turns you to him.

"We need to go. NOW!" He yanks you by your arm, and pulls you where your father just walked through.
The front entrance. You managed to come to and pull away from Tomoe whom was already transformed into his full Fox form. You took a breath, inhaled and shouted into the sky


POOF and there they were infront of you. In full battle gear as if they knew.

You hesitated to speak, gulping your words.

Boy1 "AT YOUR DUTY MISS" he shoots his hand up saluting you and smiles a gullible smile
Boy2 "AY" also saluting

You thought "names, I have to give these boys names"

"HURRY" Tomoe shouts "this portal your father left open leads yo the village"

"Noah," you grab Boy1 turning him towards the portal "you're left wing" pushing him through the portal, turning to Boy2 with confident face.

"Names?" He says almost tearing up "we never had names" he sniffles
"You're name is... Ark.. and your right wing. GO GO GO!"
He straightens his back and jumps into the portal.

"Why the names?"  Tomoe asks helping you into the portal
"You should read on "Noah's Ark"" you giggle
"I don't like to read" he scoffs
"Sucks to suck doesn't it?" Bumping his shoulder

The portal closes behind you, hearing decent screams and clatter ahead. Smell of smoke makes you cough.

"Cmon now" Tomoe runs ahead
You follow

Getting closer you see Noah and Ark using bows and knifes to fiend off enemies. You don't recognize them, and thought "I should've ask who they were before I left, but that doesn't matter now"

The single bell tied to your hair chimed and catches the attention of an enemy nearby, they leave the bystander slamming them to the floor and runs towards you full force with intent to kill. Shocked at the actions and sudden interest in you, Tomoe steps infront of you blocking your vision and hearing a crisp and sharp swing, followed by a gush and a hard drop. Tomoe steps away giving you view..

"His head..." you stutter "you beheaded him"
"He wanted to attack my wife. What else was i supposed to do?" He chuckles "plus this gives me thrills of when I used to do the same thing"

Another barges at you from behind, and with instinct and bend forward and horse kick him back, slamming him into the tree and knocking him out.
"Nice" Tomoe smiles "we must go"

Running further into the village seeing fire and smoke, nearly the whole village of not all of it had gone to ruin.
Seeing Noah and Ark doing they're best, laughing and giggling. Those boys were half the size of these men they were fighting. You smirked at the sight.

Tomoe stays by your side through this massacre, Noah and Ark gets a good workout in. Close to the end, Tomoe catches the last one alive.
Ties him up and kneels him infront of you.

"Fuck you" the man says and spits just before your feet
You unmasked him.
"You ordered you?" You says almost whispering
"Not of your fuckin business" he laughs menacingly
"Is that so? I suppose that you don't mind me taking your head home with me" you bend down squatting to his level
Tomoe takes his katana and places it to the man's throat
The man crazed face turned into shock and cluelessness
"Who. Ordered you?" You repeated

The mans breaths rapidly. Tomoe moves his katana just cutting the few layers of skin making him bleed.

"I'll be sure to do what you did here.. to your family"
You whispered "and bring their heads home too"

"It.. it was" the man was cut off by a familiar voice in the distance
"Daughter ! No, I shall take it from here. You've done enough." He yells as he runs towards you
"I see. Well if he speaks names, be sure to pass them along to me." You gesture Tomoe to put away his Katana
You bow to your father before leaving home.

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