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Nardo left me here with india and Durk. India is so that she can take care of my leg and Durk for protection. I may or may not have lied and told them that Chris was gonna be in the woods where the cop and that man was buried. Anything to get away from here. Or away from Nardo, at least for a while.

"How yo ass got stuck with Horace," india asks as she bandages up my leg for the 4th time. I wonder where she put the bullet when she took it out. I wonder how many people that gun killed. I wonder if I was the only lucky one.

"He kinda saved me," I respond, pulling my pants up to my waist.


"Two Niggas was finna shoot up the corner store."

"Oh you mean Tony and Reggie? I sent them out to do that shit a few days ago," I hear Durk say as he cleans his glock. It's pretty, unlike Nardo's dirty guns. It shines. So pretty.

"Wait Tony and Reggie are the ones that-" they both nod. They don't seem like the type of people to even do that. How didn't I catch that? I must be dumb.

"They wasn't even gon hurt you in the first place," India responds, pulling out a plastic bag.

"You telling me that he ain't really save me?"

"Girl he just put you in more danger," india chuckles, placing hair gels and combs on the bed. "Reggie and Tony think you a fucking princess. They wasn't gon do shit to you."

So I'm here for no reason? I don't owe Nardo shit but a bullet through his dome. Good to know.

"I was thinking about braiding your hair, since you can't take care of it. Is that okay with you?" I smile at her and nod. "Omg perfect. I got black and blond braiding hair so it has like a Mitch match look."

"You know how to do dreads," I ask noticing how both Vroy and Durk have retwists. I've always wanted dreads but my mama would kill me.

"You mean locs," she asks, pulling out her phone and typing. She shows me a picture of the prettiest blond locs. I nod my head.

"Well your hair is basically this color. You want permanent or temporary?"

"Definitely permanent." She smiles at me.

"We finna be twins," Durk says with a laugh. I smile. I'm gonna die anyways. Minus well feel good before it happens.

"Alright well what you wanna talk about," she asks as she sits behind me, taking my hair out the pony tail.

"What else y'all know about Horace," I ask, getting comfortable. The pain relief is barely working but it's something at least. My leg was killing me earlier.

"You gon get shot fa calling him that, twin," Durk says, with a small chuckle.

"And HORACE will get shot fa trying her now shut up and watch ya porn hub while I do my job please," India snaps back and I laugh. This girl is something else.

"Ian watching porn hub. I'm watching our sex tape," he responds and smirks.

"I wanna see," I joke and india whispers in my ear.

"How about you get the live action experience?"

"Girl don't tempt me," I say, assuming she was joking. We move on with the conversation, never really getting to Horace. So I have to ask.

"What did Horace's dad do to make him kill him?"

"Raped his mom," Durk says, not even paying me any mind.

"Oh my gosh," I gasp, thinking. Imagine being so young and seeing your father rape your mother. That's probably why Nardo is so cruel now. It's not his fault. Trauma made him this way. He doesn't know what love is, that's why he treats me the way he does. Because that's what his father showed him.

Maybe it's time someone showed him what love looks like. Maybe it's time for him to see the hood in life. And I'm the only one that can do that. So until I get out of here, I think imma show him how it's supposed to be.

"Killed him when he was 13 I think, maybe younger. Joined a nigga gang at 14, started bringing guns to school and caught another body at 15. Killed the gang leader and then took over everything at 16. Been cold hearted Wickman ever since."

"Until you came along."

"What you mean," I ask as I move my head so india can get a better grasp.

"Nigga always talking about you."

"What does he say?"

"Just how he'd kill anybody for you. Was just talking bout how he shoulda taken that bullet. He lowkey feel bad fa you having to go through this but he knows you wouldn't be with him if he didn't make you," Durk explains, snacking on some hot Cheetos. I hold my hand out and he bring me some. I feed India a couple as she finished my right side.

"Why won't he just let me go," I ask.

"Because he knows you won't come back."

"And what if I did? What if he let me go and I came back?"

"Would you?"

"I know I wouldn't. You got shot over a nigga that Youn even have feelings for. I'm sorry but Horace can kiss my ass," India says, twisting a lock between her palms.

There'a a loud bang on the door from downstairs.

"Imma go check it out," Durk says, handing india a gun. India hands me mine from off the nightstand. I take it off of safety and let it rest, facing away from me.

"Ima help you outta here," india says. "But you gotta stay wit me and Durk until the coast is clear."

I nod my head.

"It's 12," we both here Durk yell.

"Shit," India curses as she places her gun down. She lifts me up to where I lean on her and helps me to the bathroom. She sits me down in the tub and closes the curtain, after making sure my leg was elevated.

"Everybody down!"

Thank you to everybody who helped out with ideas last chapter‼️ it was very much appreciated and I'm so grateful. I dedicate this early chapter to y'all❤️

Also I want locs so badddd but my mama would kill me🥺

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