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Quote of the day

"Letting go is not the first step of healing. desiring to have the weight lifted is."

"Fuck you doing in my house," Desean yells.

"You mean my house," my mama cuts in.

"Mama, stay outta this."

"Negro, don't tell me what to do," my mother yells at DeSean. I grip onto Nardo, making him remove his hand from the gun.

"Don't. That's my brother," I plead.

"Fuck your brother," he says, staring daggers at DeSean who returns the look.

"Bitch I'll fuck you up," DeSean says.

"Pause," I say and they both look at me like I'm stupid.

"Shut up," Nardo says.

"Bitch don't talk to my sister like that," DeSean yells, pulling out his gun. Nardo does the same, and they point it at each other. I look at my mother with pleading eyes. I don't wanna lose my brother or my child's father.

But if one go the better needa die or imma kill them my damn self. My mama better stop them or imma just shoot both of them, because I could be asleep right now or eating chipotle. Fuck is you talking about. They wasting my damn time.

"Guns up," she shouts and none of them listen. "Both of you, at the same time. Right fucking now."

The slowly watch the other put their gun up, but pull out a smaller one, like snoop and that dude off of Scary Movie. They think a lot a like obviously- same gun, same size, same look. They're ready to kill each other, but I know they won't kill me.

But Nardo prolly would kill my mama, shit maybe DeSean would too. They both crazy.

"Nardo," I say, wrapping my arms around him. He lets me hug him but he keep the gun held up. He wraps his left arm around me, and kisses my head, while letting out a chuckle.

"You see who side she on right," he cockily comments. I look up and he's smirking, evilly. "She my wicked witch."

"Alex, come here," DeSean tells me. I don't move. I hold onto Nardo tightly. DeSean my bother but I trust Nardo more than him. I'm not dumb enough to trust a man that would possibly kill their own mother for no reason. Now im thinking maybe, he prolly would kill me too.

"She cool where she at," Nardo comments again, chuckling to himself. My mom goes up to DeSean and tries to grab the gun, but he pulls the trigger. The bullet flies in my direction, but Nardo pulls me in the opposite direction. I still feel a sharp pain. The bullet grazed me.

"You almost shot your sister," my mother yells loudly. Nardo notices my whimper and quickly checks my arm.

"It's bleeding,"he tells me, and grabs my hand. "Were leaving."

"No you're not. Both of you sit down," she commands. "Tell me what's going on between all of you."

"Shit you wouldn't understand, mane," DeSean said, trying to grab his strap back. My mother just smacks him with the slipper she beat me with. And threw at Nardo.

"You wanna bet?"

"Rival gang shit ma," I tell her, and nardo nudges me. My mama ain't no snitch- she'll kill a cop her damn self for touching her babies. Hopefully I'm still her baby.


"Look, his Niggas got beef wit my niggas over some dead nigga," DeSean explains.

I look at my mom and she has question marks in her eyes. DeSean slow as Fuck. I don't know how we related cuz I'm the farthest from dumb.

"He ain't deserve to die," Nardo says.

"Nobody does," DeSean responds. "Nobody deserve to live either. We fuck ups that shouldn't even exist.

"That's deep," I say and they both look at me like I'm stupid.

"Shut up sometimes lil girl," my mama tells me. I press my lips together and fold my arms, leaning back into the couch. How rude.

"What did I say wrong," I ask, confused. It was deep. I didn't think DeSean had a brain to fathom such thoughts. He's rubbing off on me.

"Just shut up," DeSean tells me.

"Don't talk to her like that," Nardo says, standing up. DeSean does the same and they get into each other's faces.

"If y'all not gonna kiss, sit the fuck down," my mama states, pushing them both down.

"Yeah, cuz if I stand up one more time imma throw up on both of y'all," I say rubbing my stomach.

"Yo bitch ass got my sister PREGNANT," DeSean screams, so loud my ears begin to hurt.

"Mini Wick," Nardo says, wrapping his arm around me. I wanna say move so bad because he's only doing this to show off to DeSean.

What if him taking me was all part of his plan to get back at DeSean's gang? What if that was his plan all along? Get me pregnant and he corrupts the family, mixes our blood together. Smart, but fucked up. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Maybe this is just Baby Brain. I swear sometimes I forget I'm pregnant.

"Imma kill you and that baby."

"You ain't touching shit DeSean," I step in, defending my child more than anything.

"It's Kentrell- or Youngboy. DeSean been dead since we was 14," he explains. "That's when a real nigga as born."

"Who? Sho ain't you," Nardo butts in.

"I can show you a real Nigga," DeSean retorts.

"Just hand me a mirror," Nardo cockily states.

"Y'all both skinny and stank, sit down," my mama says. Niggas can be so hood but still listen to they mamas. That's where respect should start. That's how I want to be respected and loved, embraced. I just would hate for him to turn out like DeSean, who is so fucked up in the head that he got kicked out multiple times. I can't even believe what kinda begging he had to have mama let him stay here.

I want my baby strong, happy and away from poverty. And most importantly away from guns. No guns for him, no water guns, no nerf none of em.

"Tell me more about who died. And what did he mean to the other person."

"His name is Bryson."

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