15. get it sorted.

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get it sorted.

JJ was a perfectly nice person, funny charismatic and easy on the eyes. But he was also quick to anger, impulsive and a little bit too much of a stoner.

He was exactly who you'd expect to accidently get a girl pregnant, and the exact person you'd expect not to stick around for the consequences of said accident.

When Otto checked the text she had sent JJ the following morning she saw it had been read.

He hadn't replied.

That was answer enough, no message was - in fact - a clear message.

He wanted no part, and that was okay. Otto told herself she didn't need him, that no father was better than a father who didn't want to be there.

She continued to hang out with Maria and Kie, she just didn't go to the Chateau; it was essentially JJ's house, and if he wanted nothing to do with her she wasn't going to show up to his house.

Otto - she would never admit this - missed him, she loved their playful banter, how they could insult each other, and that he begrudgingly made her laugh. It was taken away from her just like that, and what really sucked was that she had taken it away from herself.

Part of the reason she hadn't told him is that she didn't want things to change.

They had just begun to get better.

While she judged JJ, she didn't hate him. She thought about the fact she had the choice to keep the baby or not, surely he should too?

He got the choice, and he chose not to be apart of it.

Sitting in Otto's room Kie lied on her fluffy carpet, "I've got something to show you, come with?" She asked.

"Where is this thing?" Otto inquired, not wanting to go to the Chateau.

"It's a suprise."

"I hate supri--" Otto began to speak when Kie cut her off, "You really don't have a choice, either you walk out with me or I drag you out." Otto glared at her but she was getting a little sick of being stuck in her room so she agreed.

They got in Kie's car and Otto relaxed in the passenger seat, the afternoon sun beat down on the car so Otto closed her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest and got comfortable.

"Have you heard the rumours?" Kie asked.

Kie felt awful about the rumour that had made the rounds a little while ago, people still talked about it. They analysed the outfits Otto wore, to try and determine if she was hiding her body and if there was any bump. People claimed they saw her throwing up in the bathroom, and some people even said her tits looked bigger.

Kie thought it was all a load of bullshit, people in small towns really do anything for a bit of gossip.

They pull things out of thin air.

They simply made up a rumous about the new girl in town, she was already a hot topic so why not spice it up even further?

Feinging innocence Otto kept her eyes shut but furrowed her eyebrows. "About who?"

"You. People claim they saw you buying pregnancy tests, and it's snowballed from there."

Otto scoffed, "No offence, but people in small towns really love some gossip."

"Trust me, no offense taken. After last summer I fully understand the wrath of small town gossip." Kie thought back to the summer prior.

Otto hadn't put together all the pieces yet, their dead friends, all the call backs to the summer prior.

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