42. let's role-play otto's funeral.

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let's role-play otto's funeral.

I regret to inform you that Wes didn't die, JJ managed to shoot him in the stomach, just like he did Otto, it was a good shot but not one that ended the bastard.

It managed to slip by every vital organ and come out the other side better than ever. After a few stitches he was good as gold.

He did get arrested but apart from that he was in tip top shape.

Wes' father however was very, very dead. It didn't slip by and miss everything vital, instead it managed to to a circle throughout his skull and turn it into what was akin to scrambled egg.

Otto was inbetween those two fates, walking one a delicate line. She got to choose.

She got to choose between heaven and Earth.

Between a world of guaranteed bliss, or a world that can only promise pain and suffering.

Although she really didn't get much choice, that was ripped away from her while she sat on the delicate line deliberating her two options.

Some doctor kept sending a fuck ton of electricity through her heart, that took the choice away from her, grabbing her off the line and ripping her back to Earth.

They were a real buzz kill.

Everyone was huddled in the small family waiting room, they were quickly ushered from the emergency due to the fact being covered in blood tends to freak people out.

Laura got there quickly, she sat in the room barely holding back tears, first she lost her husband, that, she knew was coming and she could prepare herself for. But now she was losing her daughter, her only child, out of the blue, there was no preparation she could make to soften the blow.

Kie sat next to Laura, the grandmother was in no place to hold a baby so that job was entrusted with Kie. Freddie seemed to like her, and she also had the least amount of blood on her. It came as no surprise that she wasn't doing well, but she forced herself to shove the situation to the back of her mind and keep a smile on her face for Freddie's sake. Freddie was none the wiser that jn the same building as him his mother was, for all intents and purposes dying.

John B wasn't sitting down, he just stood next to the chairs, in complete shell shock. The entire day was life changing for him, everything from learning that Wes was his cousin, to his newfound uncle killed his mother, to said cousin possibly killing his friend.

Sarah wasn't in the room, she was in the bathroom next door, crying. It was how she delt with horrific things happening in her life, she cried it out before she began to deal with it.

Pope was borderline catatonic sitting next to Kie, he leant against the back of the chair, his arms laying on his chest and legs sitting straight out in front of him. Blood sat in every nook and cranny of his body, it soaked into his shirt, his shorts, covering all the skin of his arms from the elbow down, it was even sprinkled onto his socks with a few droplets on his shoes. He felt like he was caked in it, it was all he could smell, the irony scent filling his nose. He wasn't thinking about it. He wasn't thinking about anything. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't save her, if he didn't do enough.

JJ walked into the hospital, watching Pope carry the mother to his child, watching as blood continued dropping onto the clean floors, he watched them take her away. Then he walked out.

He had a real penchant for leaving while she was in hospital.

He couldn't be in there, in the same building with her while her life hung in the balance and he couldn't do anything to help. He didn't want to be in that room, with Freddie who was a spitting image of Otto.

Even though he was sober he always kept a blunt with him, for old times sake, and sitting outside he was glad the did that. Lighting the end while sitting on the ground near the entrance to the emergency room he smoked it. He finished it and it was nowhere near enough, he could still feel the weight of the world sitting on his shoulders slowly crushing him.

Hours went by, he sat there, just staring straight forward.

The doctor walked into the family room.

Otto was nowhere near okay, or even slightly out of the woods.

She'd lost enough blood to fill the Pacific, they fixed the damage to her liver but but to take out one of her kidneys.

After the doctor left John B was elected to go outside to tell JJ what happened, while Laura went to see her.

It wasn't hard to find the stoned teenager, at this point the sun had risen and it painted the sky with warm tones. He was still staring blankly, the high wearing off.

"She's alive. Get your shit together before you go in, it's not about you." John B wasn't overly sympathetic to JJ's cause, as he said, it wasn't about him, he wasn't the one who got shot.

He stayed out there for another hour, slowly getting himself into a head space that he'd be able to go in and not freak out. JJ went to the family room first, taking Freddie from Kie for a second he held him close, he'd only seen Freddie a day ago but it felt like it'd been weeks. He spent a few minutes with him before handing the baby back to Kie.

JJ couldn't put it off for much longer, following directions a doctor in the corridor gave him he made his way to the room Otto was in.

Pushing open the door he looked at her, she well and truly looked dead. The only thing that told him otherwise was the monitor that beeped incessantly. If he was being honest she looked like shit. They stitched up the cut on her forehead and it looked like someone made a half arsed job of cleaning the blood that covered her face off. Even with her dark hair you could see it was coated with blood the dark brown now a dark red that matted to her forehead. Laura explained the anaesthetic was beginning to wear off and she'd be asleep for a few more hours.

With a chair either side of the bed JJ occupied one and Laura the other.

Eventually Laura passed the torch to JJ, trusting him to look after her daughter while she looked after his son.

JJ didn't sleep, a mix between the annoying beeping that was infuriating but at the same time reassuring and not keeping his eyes off her so he was there when she woke up.

When he heard whispering he put down to the lack of sleep making him hallucinate, but then Otto opened her eyes and a flurry if curse words tumbled out her mouth.

It hadn't really sunk in yet that she was alive. But seeing her awake cemented it in.

She. Was. Alive.

Sure, she was down a few points of blood and a kidney but apart from that she was well.

I was going to bump off Wes but I didn't, I also wrote an original version were Otto carks it but I also scrapped that due to the fact Freddie'd be fucked.

So, here you go, we're very close to the end I hope you've enjoyed it at least a little bit

Also rip to the Queen, you were an icon ✌

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