18. wes' wet dream.

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wes' wet dream.

A party.

Kie invited Otto to a party.

She told her that while she would pick up Otto and drop her off JJ would almost certainly be there.

She learned from the last time she tried pulling a fast one on Otto that it didn't work. And it backfired terribly.

Otto thought about it for a while, at first it seemed kind of pointless. Her usual experience at a party was snorting anything she laid her eyes on and once sufficiently high, taking a few shots.

For obvious reasons she wasn't going to do that.

But, she needed to get out the house, and with how many people go to the parties she and JJ probably wouldn't even bump into each other.

Come late afternoon Otto was ready, parties in the Outer Banks weren't fashion parades by any means, you essentially just wore what you normally wore but maybe five percent nicer.

Thankfully, it was coming into winter which meant people were wearing a lot more clothes and that meant her baggy attire wasn't abnormal.

Otto waved goodbye to her parents - who were thrilled their daughter was getting out the house - and got into Kie's car.

Kie blasted music to try and get them both in the mood, but Otto thought the music was awful so she tried tuning it out.

Once they arrived Kie parked the car, and before the pair could even get out of the car the Twinkie pulled up a dozen feet away.

Murphy's law was in full effect.

"I swear this wasn't planned, we can go home if you want. Go to mine and have a chill night."

It was clear Kie was being genuine, but Otto waved her off.

Getting out of the car JJ didn't once look in Otto's direction, it was like she was a stranger to him. He didn't seem angry anymore, he just seemed to have rubbed every inch if her existence out of his world.

That was okay with Otto.

Men are shit.

Stupid piles of shit.

Kie and Otto walked the short distance to the party shoulder to shoulder, mostly talking about the latest drama between Kie and Maria.

Apparently Otto wasn't the only one making awful decisions, while Maria and Kie were on a break Kie hooked up with some person called Noah. Otto had to admit they were hot. Maria was pissed, and went and hooked up with Noah's friend Yasmin.

Beyond that Otto began to get confused, she only knew a few names she could put a face to, and when Kie began rapid fire throwing names at her she once again tuned her friend out.

It wasn't her being mean, she just simply didn't understand and trying to understand gave her a heache.

Once they got to the party Kie looked at Otto, "I'll get us drinks." She smiled.

The look Otto have her reminded her of one important factor, "I will go get myself a drink. Stay put, I'll be back in a second."

Turns out the party was being thrown by a few members of figure eight, which explained the sea of tacky, overpriced polo shirts. When Otto put that together she began getting a little uneasy.

A party, thrown by figure eight?

Wes' wet dream.

Otto decided she didn't want to wait out of the edge of the party for Kie to come back, she wanted to be with people where it would be harder to hurt her.

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