31. mircowave meals.

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T H I R T Y - O N E
microwave meals.

Hours went by and Otto was sitting with the girls, she didn't really contribute to the conversation all that much.

Mainly because most of it was them reminiscence on events she wasn't apart of, and secondly she was beyond tired. Everything down to her bones was utterly exhausted.

She use to be able to run on a few hours sleep and be fine, but now she needed at least eight hours. She usually didn't get eight hours which meant she was tired and a little grumpy. To combat her grumpiness she tried not to speak that much, for fear of snapping at someone who didn't deserve it.

Although people nearly always deserved it.

Otto had to squeeze her eyes shut really hard and open them again to try and push the sleepiness out if her body, it only worked for a few minutes then she'd have to do it again. The two girls either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge the strange behaviour.

She was usually in bed an entire hour ago, but she'd stayed up late because JJ hadn't seen his friends in years.

But at that point she was seriously debating driving and leaving JJ there, he'd lived there for so long it wouldn't weird.

If Otto was tired a few months ago and she wanted to be awake she'd just dig through her stash and find something that'd keep her awake.

She didn't do that. Obviously.

She really wished she could. It would make her life a hell of a lot easier.

To be fair she was exhausted because her body was working overtime to create an actual, real life human. That seemed like a good excuse to be tired. A very valid reason

Otto was actively fighting sleep, a battle she was slowly losing to, her head would drop ever so slightly occasionally.

Once again, Kie and Sarah didn't notice, they were engrossed in a story about some old psychopath with an axe. A story Otto would've been extremely interested in if she wasn't three quarters asleep.

Someone did notice though, albeit he didn't notice until the slight drop of her head. He'd have known almost instantly if she was facing him.

Otto was usually asleep over an hour ago, completely passed out with his hands running through her dark locks.

It was just like magic.

He stood up and did some weird army like salute to John B before saying goodbye to them both. They were slightly confused before they saw him turn around and walk over to Otto and patted her on the shoulder. She knew what he meant instantly and said goodbye to the girls, when she got up she said goodbye to the boys before she and JJ left.

That's when it sunk in for John B, JJ was completely and utterly in love with Otto.

JJ's priority was no longer the family he found in the Pogue's, it was the family he had with Otto. He knew that now, he saw how important it was. He was determined to do everything in his power to get it all right. To give the baby what he didn't get.

He took the keys back from Otto, "You're too tired to drive, it'd be super inconvenient if you drive the car into a tree."

"My car, not the car, my car. You've got the hideous yellow monstrosity."

JJ scoffed, despite knowing her words were true. "That also isn't my car, it's John B's but considering he was essentially dead I decided to claim it."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐉𝐉 | 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora