30. otto is awkward for the first time.

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otto is awkward for the first time.

JJ wanted to run, as fast as he could, drive as fast as the car would let him and run around the back of the Chateau like someone was chasing him.

But he didn't.

He had priorities.

He let Otto lead the way, she chose the pace. It was obvious she was going as fast as she could, which honestly wasn't all that fast. JJ wasn't impatient, or annoyed at her speed, in fact he wanted tell he she could slow down.

Once they got in the car JJ only drove a little over the limit, his heart was pounding.

It didn't feel real, he wondered if it was an fucked up way to get back to him after how shitty he acted toward Otto a few months ago.

They arrived at the iconic house that held so many memories, "Go. Run, I'll catch up." Otto smiled, JJ could tell she was genuine so he opened the door and ran.

It wasn't karma for how he acted a few months ago, they were right there.

Alive. And from outter appearances, well.

He hadn't seen them in almost two years, he truly didn't think he'd ever see them again. Then there was the letter, and then another letter and now they were right there.

John B turned around and they saw each other, they both began running and practically jumped at one another. Gravity wasn't friendly and they both hit the ground, not that they cared.

"Holy shit! I thought you were dead, dude." JJ laughed.

John B slapped his back, "That was kind of the point, dude."

They got back up and JJ saw Sarah who was looking at the two with a happy smile, "It's good to see you." She smiled.

"Good to see you too," he walked over and gave her a quick hug. He really had missed her, more than he thought he would.

Looking at the two it felt surreal. A dream. Way too good to be real.

He looked behind him, even with her slow walking Otto should've made it by now. But she wasn't there.

"What're you looking for?" John B asked.

"More like who." Kie smirked, she was excited to see the reaction of the couple.

JJ looked back at Pope and Kie, he was hoping they would've told them, he really didn't want to. He knew the looks he'd get and the comments that would come out of his friend's mouths.

"Otto, you coming?" JJ shouted, a minute later he was about to go and find her when she walked around the corner.

She looked awkward, and she never looked awkward. She was always so sure of herself. But this was awkward, it felt like she was intruding on a personal reunion, she would've stayed behind if they weren't at her/their spot. The walk back from there in her current situation would have taken an embarrassing amount of time.

So she decided she'd just stay in the car, even if she was sitting there for hours it felt like a better option then gatecrashing the coming home celebration of people she had never met before.

When she heard JJ call her she knew she didn't really have a choice anymore. It'd be weirder if she just stayed in the car, ignoring him.

The two people Otto had yet to meet watched her as she walked around the corner.

Their eyes didn't stay on her face for long.

Sarah and John B were somehow not surprised at all, and very surprised at the same time.

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