39. freddie's current father.

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T H I R T Y - N I N E
freddie's current father.

Walking out from the graveyard Otto felt a sense of relief, it was the same relief that you get after delaying a menial five minute task for way too long. Except it wasn't a five minute menial task. It was a lot more serious than that.

It was a big deal for her, she had accepted her father had died, there was no way of pretending to be oblivious to that, she couldn't turn the other way and shove her feelings to the back of the head.

It couldn't work like that, she couldn't pretend her father was still alive without losing her sense of reality. That really wasn't something she felt like losing.

She thought it would sour her mood and taint her day, which was a lot of the reason she didn't bring JJ. She hoped that by the time she got to the Chateau she'd be in a better mood and wouldn't bring down the vibe. But she was content, not overjoyed or ecstatic, that wasn't a situation that you could be either.

She decided he'd be proud of her, of her development as a person, when he died she was so closed off, not letting anyone see anything that was going on in mind. No one was allowed in the fortress that was her head, not even her parents truly ever knew what went on. They were only left to guess and hope she was okay.

There was so much they didn't know, and they would never know about her.

Otto decided what people knew, letting them know enough that they weren't concerned but keeping the truly concerning stuff to herself.

They knew most teenagers dabbled in things like alcohol and sometimes some weed, that's what they had done and knowing Otto it wasn't something that would come as a shock to them. Otto was very purposeful in coming home a little drunk a few times, just tipsy but enough that her parents were aware.

But with them knowing she drank and she hid it poorly they assumed she wouldn't be able to hide anything overly well. They'd find out.

They were very wrong, she slowly fell into the hole of prescription pills. Getting stronger over a few years.

But, then she got pregnant.

And she changed, very quickly. Everything began changing around her and she had to run to keep up, she had to desperately keep her head above water that was rising quickly. And she did, she caught up with the changes and rose to the surface of the water.

The day her father died JJ snaked his way into Otto's head, and he had yet to come out of it.

She may have trapped him in there, not letting him go. Clinging onto him.

But with everything she pushed away something was bound to fight back. Breaking their way through from the prison she created for them.

She was content in the bubble she had created for visiting her father, memories of him still flooded her brain. She didn't want anyone to disturb that, she wasn't ready to break that bubble.

But when demons from your past break free they don't care about what you're feeling.

With her phone turned off sitting comfortablely in her back pocket she walked in the direction of the Chateau, by the time she got back there she'd be able to talk to other people. Not about what she did that day, only JJ knew that.

On her walk a car rolled up next to her, not entirely in her right mind she didn't recognise the car and instead turned to look at it.

With the window rolled down and a cocky smirk that screamed he knew something she didn't Wesley fucking Harrington sat behind the wheel.

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