20. an army of babies.

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an army of babies.

JJ wasn't at the first day back at school.

But Otto sure was.

Everybody stared.

Even the teachers gave her sideways glances. Everyone knew what happened at that party.

They stared and whispered, well, some whispered others just talked.

Not showing any emotion Otto walked through the halls like every other day, like no one was giving her a glance.

She walked beside Kie who would flick the bird at the occasional person who'd make a rude comment, while Otto didn't give a fuck, Kie did.

After school she went home, it'd been a while since her parents got home and Otto finally made an appointment to see the doctor. She was well past due for one, she just hadn't really gotten around to it.

Laura asked if JJ would be there, Otto said he wouldn't.

He wanted no part.

Otto's mum gave her daughter a solemn look. "Would you like me to let JJ go?" She asked, JJ wasn't the best gardner anyway, he mowed the grass, pruned some bushes and watered the flowers. But the bushes always had chunks missing and the flowers obviously got trodden on in his efforts to water them.

It was clear he tried his best, it took him way too long for him not to be trying his best. He was just a really shit gardener.

Otto knew how important JJ's job was to him, it was the way he got the money to keep himself afloat, which he was barely doing already.

He'd be fucked without it.

"No. He needs the job. Just tell me when he's coming around, I don't want to see him."

Laura nodded, proud of her daughter for being the bigger person. While Otto was a little prickly she was a good person.

Dumping her things Otto got into her car and drove off to the clinic, she waited in the waiting room and looked around at other expectant mother's.

Shockingly, she was the youngest.

It was clear people were trying not to stare, they'd look out the side if their eyes or not so subtly crack their necks.

Otto didn't care, she knew if she was in their place she'd probably stare too.

It was weird to look around at the other women and think that that's be her in a few months. Looking beyond uncomfortable and exhausted.


A few minutes later her name was called, and she got up and walked with the nurse to her room.

The doctor sat at a chair. She was probably in her late fifties and had greying brown hair pulled back into a painfully tight bun. Her tan skin was wrinkled slightly and she wore an extremely modest outfit, around her neck was a cross.

"Ottilie Moreau?" She asked as if needing confirmation.

"Gold star for you."

"Just going to ask a few routine questions." The doctor said clicking a few buttons on the keyboard.

She ran through them, asking things like her date of birth, her last period and if she had any idea the day she got pregnant. She asked about pre-existing medical conditions and family history.

Then she asked a question that didn't seem all that routine.

"And the father isn't around?" She asked, looking from her computer at Otto.

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