32. liar, liar.

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Otto had a little under three weeks until she was forty weeks pregnant, although that is a load of bullshit.

Babies don't magically come out that day, oh no, that would be far too convenient. They come when the decide to come, day or night. Usually at the most inconvenient time is when they decide to make their big entrance.

At her last appointment, before her dad died the doctor warned her that first pregnancies tend to go on for longer, which was music to Otto's ears.

That's exactly what she wanted to hear.

She was going to be pregnant for more time!

That morning she was especially grumpy, she had another appointment. She had missed a lot over the course of her pregnancy, she'd maybe been to half a dozen.

Getting out of bed was a chore, despite having two rooms it was a silent agreement that they stilled shared the bed.

It was a weird unspoken thing, but somehow they both just knew it.

It obviously started the day her dad died - the night they had sex did not count - but since then it just never stopped. And neither of them particularly wanted it to stop.

JJ tried to remind himself that all Otto wanted was friendship. A very strange, intimate friendship that included sleeping right next to each other, practically on top of one another, every night.

And Otto tried to remind herself the same thing, it was just a friendship.

Platonic. Completely platonic.

JJ got out of bed early, it was strange to him that once he gave up all substances he was suddenly a morning person. Something he truly was not before.

Otto was still not a morning person, despite not having any substances in her.

She lied there, on her side but trying to shove her face into the pillow. Half trying to suffocate herself.

Having a baby was a stupid idea.

Pregnancy is fucking inconvenient.

She couldn't snort a line when she felt like shit (she actually had to feel it,) she couldn't drink, she couldn't take a hot bath, or eat sushi and worst of all she couldn't sleep on her stomach.

If someone told her that she might’ve reconsidered.

"Tillie, you have to get out of bed."

"Don't tell me what to do, J. My back hurts like it's trying to break itself. I'm never getting out of bed, ever again."

"I am not above throwing cold water onto you."

She sat up at that, not worried she just wanted to scold him. She hadn't thought it through, his attempt had worked.

"If my back didn't hurt so much I'd be impressed, but it does so I'm annoyed."

JJ took that as a win, he hardly ever impressed Otto. He watched her stand up, he'd offer to help but every knew it'd get thrown back in his face. She fundamentally hated help, she wanted to be independent.

She got ready and JJ sat at the kitchen counter just looked around at his home, he actually lived here. He even moved his limited things. He had asked Otto if he could and she rolled her eyes, "you live here" she reminded him.

It was strange, he was use to rusty sinks that either poured out nothing or brown water.

He was use to cupboards with door half falling off, the paint peeling off the wood.

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