38. otto/their spot

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C H A P T E R - E I G H T
otto/their spot

Otto could admit that the deciding factor in her keeping the baby was her father. Despite him telling her to not let anyone else influence her decision he did that very thing.

Of course she didn't regret Freddie not one bit, she would.make the same decision again. And again.

He truly didn't understand how much power he held, how much the decision she made was influenced by him. The same person telling her to do the opposite. She wanted him to have a grandchild, she knew he wasn't going to be around for the majority of the adult milestones she was going to have.

He wouldn't be at her highschool graduation.

He wouldn't be at her college graduation.

He wouldn't be there when she started her career, which he would never know because she hadn't decided.

He wouldn't be there to see her get engaged, or married.

And in theory he wouldn't be there to see his grandchild. Although that theory almost broke, if he could have held on a few more months he would've been there.

But he couldn't.

And that broke her heart, he would've loved Freddie.

It wasn't something she thought about all that often, but occasionally when she saw her mum interact with Freddie she thought of her father.

Laura wasn't blind, she could see the change in the terms Otto and JJ's relationship, the one blurred lines had begun to merge completely. She didn't think they had a label, Otto and JJ didn't seem the type for a strict label.

A label meant expectations and pressure. She just wanted to enjoy JJ, and a label could put that in jeopardy.

JJ didn't give a fuck about labels, he'd never had a real relationship. And just like Otto he didn't want the pressure that came with labels that others knew about.

Yet another unspoken rule between the two was that it was just them. They both knew a part of their relationship was that it closed off other people in that manner.

There was no anniversary dates to celebrate, it just started as a one night stand that grew to reluctant friendship - on Otto's behalf - to a blurry relationship to what it became. It wasn't a boyfriend/girlfriend type deal, it was just a 'I love you, you love me, we don't have sex with other people' type deal.

It really was exactly what the people around the two expected.

Laura was thrilled about the strange arrangement.

She liked JJ. She liked how JJ was with Freddie, how determined her was to everything as well as he could. She loved how he treated Otto like she was a walking, talking angel. But most of all she loved seeing how happy JJ made Otto.

He made her smile, he made laugh and she trusted him. And that wasn't something she did easily. It truly was something you earned with her.

And it came even harder with how her relationship with Wes ended.

Twice a week Laura would insist on taking Freddie for a night and forcing the pair to go and do something fun. Despite having a child and a set of responsibilities people their age usually didn't have she didn't want them to not enjoy their final teenage years.

She wanted them to be a able to let loose and live their young adulthood to the fullest they reasonably could.

Most of the time they just went to the Chateau alone, which meant they could do stuff they couldn't with Freddie. Because by morning they'd be sober and able to take care of a baby.

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