36. jj the biologist.

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T H I R T Y - S I X
jj the biologist.

It was JJ's eighteenth birthday, he was officially an adult. He couldn't drink in the Untied States, but he could in most other places!

The night before Otto was sitting in the bed, on top of the sheets with Freddie in her arms. She was looking at him seriously, JJ, who was laying under the sheet, his arms behind his head comfortably.

"Tomorrow I'm doing all the Freddie work, okay?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No."

"It's your birthday, you shouldn't be cleaning up shit, piss and vomit on your birthday."

"You kind of sign up for that when you have a baby, they don't magically stop doing all that on special occasions."

"I am well aware of that, I wasn't saying that and you know it. You are a little stupid but your brain functions somewhat."

"Be careful, that baby has my DNA, by calling me stupid you are pretty much calling him stupid."

"One, smart babies can come from stupid people. And two, you're DNA is cancelled out by mine."

"I'm by no means an expert in biology, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works."

"Do the world a favour and shut up."

"Your insults have gotten less intense since Freddie was born."

"Fine. I will put you in a bath of candiru and then let Maria remove it. After it's removed I will pour that strawberry tequila you like onto it. Once the inevitable infection sets in I'll call over Lorena Bobbitt over to finish the job."

"I've got a few quest--"

"My birthday present to you is doing all the Freddie work."

"So you didn't get me a real present?" He smirked.

"You don't see your son as a gift?"

"You're right. Freddie is enough of a present, which means doing all the Freddie work is too much icing on the cake. No one likes too much icing."

"I like icing."

"He's asleep, you can put him down now."

She hadn't even realised, Otto move and place him in his little bed before getting under the covers.

"We don't have to go to the Chateau tomorrow, we can just hang out here. I don't really mind."

She shook her head, "We probably should leave the house before we are driven to insanity."

They fell asleep, Freddie's present to his father was a relatively undisturbed sleep. Although Otto obviously needed the sleep more than JJ because she was out cold.

Her original plan didn't go quite as expected.

JJ was a little nervous to bring the baby out of the house, he was almost a month old at that point so they had waited long enough.

The usually messy house had been cleaned up slightly and a few decorations had been hung. There was even a cake, although it was a little wonky.

Everyone in the group who hadn't seen the new parents for weeks were beyond excited.

They were still careful not to overwhelm them.

That afternoon Freddie was passed around, Pope was second in line and after Freddie got a good look at him he started screaming. Before Otto and JJ could get up Sarah took Freddie.

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