23. breaking news: jj still hasn't gotten his shit together.

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breaking news: jj still hasn't gotten his shit together.

Otto's confusion convinced her to stay, she picked it up and fished the pocket knife JJ had given her out of her pocket. She walked over to the small table littered with watermarks and put down the envelope.

The smile that spread across JJ's face when he saw the pocket knife he gave her months ago was still in her possession, and not just in her possession but on her person.

She sat beside it and cut it open, tipping it upside down pieces of paper flew out.

Picking up the first one she began skimming over the writing.

They were alive.

Sarah and John B were alive.

After capsizing they were found by a boat and picked up, the boat dropped them off when they had a stop to make to refuel.

They landed in the Caribbean, it took a while for them to find their feet.

They moved around a lot for the first few months trying to find somewhere to settle down in for a while.

That was until they found a small fishing village, there were only a few hundred people and they were all welcoming to the couple. They decided to stay there indefinitely.

John B began joined a group of men who caught fish, he worked just about every day but he enjoyed the job.

He got to be in around the stunningly clear water every day, which was a win his in opinion.

And Sarah helped out at a food shop, she too loved the job. The people were nice, she also got a small discount on the food.

An elderly couple approached them soon after they arrived and offered them a place to stay, in their back garden they had a shed that they could rent cheaply. Sarah and John B jumped at the offer.

They had no clue that six months after they had escaped the Outer Banks, the police caught up with Rafe Cameron who promptly ratted out Ward.

After two more months they both plead guilty, and received a lighter sentence than they would've had they gone to trial.

Whilst moving from place to place and before they settled in the fishing town they managed to get their hands on a phone. The problem was that in the remote town there was no internet connection. The nearest place that did have connection was in a city that was two hour drive away from their village.

Every few months they'd catch a lift with someone heading into town, so they could catch up on what was happening.

They didn't reach out to their friends just in case Ward and Rafe had tapped their phones. Which they definitely weren't above. So the news that they were arrested meant they could reach out.

But just as they were typing up the message the phone died, and their charger was back at the village.

They decided they would just find the next person who was driving into the city and hopefully catch a ride with them.

But when they got back to their home they found it had been broken into.

The intruder had gone through everything, the drawers to the cupboards were all pulled out and clothes were spread everywhere. Things had been moved and tipped over. Not a single stone was left unturned.

But nothing seemed to be missing.

Sarah and John B had nothing of monetary value, that was except the phone.

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