Chapter 21: The Moment Is Finally Here

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The Moment Is Finally Here

I was leaving my last class the next day when Ms. Winter stopped me.

"Come here a minute, Miss. Miller." She called to me. I looked around at her and she was looking down at some papers. I walked over to her and stood in front of her desk.

"Yes, Miss?" I asked wondering what she could want with me.

She looked up from her papers and smiled. "Oh Alexandra, can you please give Joshua his assignments?" She asked as she gathered up some papers. I remember that I haven't seen Josh at school today and figured that he must have skipped.

"Miss. Winter, we are not close like that." I said shaking my head. Especially now when he is trying his best to avoid me, I thought to myself.

"I thought since you guys worked together you were friends now." She said, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Plus there is no one else that I trust to give him them."

I sighed. "Okay, I will give them to him."

"Thanks Alexandra." She said giving me some papers. I took them and left the classroom. I went to my locker and got the things that I will need that night and head to Josh's house.

I reached his house in fifteen minutes and knocked on the door. The door opened instantly and Mrs. Taylor stood on the other side.

"Oh hello, Alexandra. Come in, I'm going to tell Josh you're here." She said, indicating for me to enter the living room. I stepped inside and she disappeared up the stairs. I sat on the couch in the living room, when I saw someone running towards me. I looked up to see it was Jillian.

"Lexie! Lexie! Hi!" She said, waving the dolls that were in her hands in the air. "Come and play dolls with me, please."

I looked at the excitement in her eyes and I just couldn't say no. I nodded at her "Okay. So what are we playing?"

She sat on the floor and put the two dolls on the floor beside her. I got up from the couch and sat on the floor with her.

"Cindy and Becca are going out. We have to dress them up." She said taking up the doll with brown hair and handed her to me. "Becca is yours and Cindy is mine." She added indicating the blonde hair doll.

"Okay, but aren't they dressed already?" I asked, indicating the clothes that they were already in.

"No. They can't go to a party in that silly. They have to put on their party clothes." She said acting all serious. I couldn't help but laugh at how serious she sounded. She then took a pretty pink bag from around her neck and opened it to reveal doll clothes. "We have to choose what they are going to wear." Her eyebrows creased in concentration as she thought about the outfit.

After we decided on a outfit, we clothed the dolls and they were ready for their party.

"Wow Cindy! What a beautiful dress you're wearing." I said moving my doll as if she was the one speaking.

"Thanks Becca. You too." Jillian said mimicking my actions.

"Why thank you." I used my doll to bow and Jillian giggled. We continued to play dolls and laughed quite a lot. Jillian has changed drastically from when I had just met her and I felt my heart warm at seeing her this happy. All of a sudden, I heard laughing behind us. I spun around to see Josh leaning against the doorway to the living room.

"Josh, come and play with us." Jillian said to him.

"I will play with you later, Jill." Josh smiled at his sister. An image of Josh playing dolls flashed in my mind and I couldn't help but smile. "Run on up to your room. I need to talk to Lexie for a while, okay?"

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