Chapter 39: Falling Apart (Part 2)

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Falling Apart (Part 2)

I literally felt my heart being broken into a million pieces and I felt my world came crashing down. My vision became blurry with tears and it was like I was shock still to the spot. I couldn't move.

How could he?

I must have let out an audible gasp, because Josh looked around at me. I knew what he was going to do. I knew what he was going to say, but I didn't want to hear it. I caught Erica's smirk before I turned around and run. I heard him call out my name, but I didn't stop. I run straight to the school's main door and run in the direction of home. Tears clouded my vision, but I still run.

A few seconds later, I heard him behind me. He called for me to stop, but I didn't listen. I heard him close behind me and I begged my legs to move faster, but he was faster than me and caught up in no time.

"Lexie stop." He said as he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"Let me go!" I shouted and tried to pull away, but he held on.

"Lexie, listen to me--" He begged.

"No, you listen to me! You are a lying, cheater and I can't believe I trusted you!" Tears were flowing down my face and I didn't stop them.

"Lexie, I--" he pleaded, but I cut him off once again.

"Let me go Joshua. I don't want to see you and I don't want to know you!" I finally pulled my arm from his hold and flee. I ran as fast as I could, even though he didn't follow me this time. I reached my house, got inside and run up to my room and closed the door. I got on my bed and cried my eyes out.

I can't believe Josh did this to me? I thought he had changed, but I guess I was wrong. I'm so stupid. How could I have fallen so easily? He is a player and that hasn't changed.

I stayed in my room all evening. Mom knocked to tell me to come for dinner, but I didn't go. I told her I wasn't hungry. She continued knocking on my door afterwards, but I ignored it until she gave up and left me alone. I fell asleep afterwards when I didn't have anymore tears to cry.


I woke up the next morning and saw that I had 12 missed calls and 48 text messages. They were all from my friends and Josh. I shut my phone off and chose to ignore everyone. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment.

I heard a soft knock on my door. "Lexie?" Mom said softly.

"Come in." I answered. I had to face her sooner or later. I heard the door being opened and my mom appeared in the doorway.

"Lexie, are you okay?" She asked quietly.

"I'm fine, Mom." I said as I sat up in bed.

"Sweetie, you were locked up in your room all evening yesterday and you didn't eat." I didn't say anything so she continued. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Mom, it's nothing. Really." I answered. I really didn't want to have a conversation about this right now. "I'm going to have a shower." I added. Mom looked like she was about to say something else, but then she sighed. She nodded her head before leaving my room again. I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to shower.

I got out of the shower a few minutes later and got dressed. I heard a knock on my door again and I groaned. "Mom, I really want to be alone right now." I heard my door being opened and my best friends enter my room.

"Hey, your mom let us in." Samantha said as she rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. Stacy came to my other side and joined in the hug. She pulled back and gave me a worried look.

"We heard what happened. Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, but it was a complete lie.

"Come on Lexie, don't bottle this up. Talk to us." As soon she said that, the events of yesterday came flooding back and I felt my eyes stung with tears again. I really didn't want to cry again, but he hurt me so much. I really thought he loved me. My friends saw the tears in my eyes and pulled me into another hug and I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out crying again.

"It's okay, Lexie. Please don't cry." Sam rubbed my back soothingly. After I calmed down, they pulled away again.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but are you sure that's what happened?" Stacy asked.

"I saw with my two eyes, Stacy." I replied.

"Okay, but I still think you should talk to him first. There must be a good explanation." Stacy persisted.

"I agree." Sam added. "I'm not saying he was right for what he did, but you at least deserve an explanation."

"Guys, I really don't want to see him." I replied.

"Lexie, I really think something is going on. When he came back at school, I saw him and he didn't look good. He was a mess." Stacy said.

I really didn't want to hear about him right now and I definitely didn't want to talk about him. "Look guys, could we please change the subject?"

"Of course. I'm sorry, Lexie." Stacy said.

"It's okay." I said.

"Okay, get up out of bed now. We're going to get breakfast." Sam said suddenly.

I groaned. "Come on, Sam. I just want to stay in bed all day."

"Oh no you aren't." Stacy joined in, tugging on my arms. "You didn't eat anything yesterday, so you have to eat now."

Five minutes later, with both girls pulling me, I was finally up and in Stacy's car driving to a small cafe. As soon as we reached, we got out of the car and entered the cafe. We sat in a booth and ordered pancakes and coffee. While we ate, we had small talk and my friends avoid all discussion of Joshua, which I was thankful for.

Half an hour later, I heard the jingle of the bell as someone entered the cafe. I saw Ashton walking up to the counter to order before his eyes caught mine. He changed his direction and head towards me. I looked away as soon as he reached us.

"Hey girls." He greeted. Sam and Stacy said hello and I mumbled a small hi. Ashton turned his attention to me.

"Lexie, have you spoken to Josh?" He asked.

"Why would I do that?" I asked bitterly.

"I really think you should talk to him. I think there was a misunderstanding." He said.

"Ashton, he is your friend. Of course you're going to pick up for him. Trying to down play his actions, but please, I saw what I saw." I replied.

"You shou--" He began but I cut him off.

"I'm finished eating, I have to go. Are you ready guys?" They both nodded their head and got up. They gave Ashton an apologetic smile and we left the cafe. The girls dropped me home and left. I finally turned on my phone and I decided to read the texts from Josh.

They were all the same; him begging to see me so he could explain or him asking me to meet him. I shut my phone off for the second time that day and went to sleep.


Monday came around quick and I had skipped school. I was not ready to face him yet. I was glad that my mother had gone to one of my father's business meetings and won't be back until Wednesday, because I knew she would tell me to go to school. My brothers were also not here either. Jason was at a sleep over tonight and Andrew took Kristin on a one day trip. I had told my friends that I was not coming and they came over after school and we hang out and ate pizza.

My friends had left, so I decided to go upstairs to bed. I knew I couldn't keep this up for long. I had to go to school tomorrow. I got showered and put on my pajamas which was a blue tank top and matching blue shorts and got into bed. I was exhausted so I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

AN: Hello! 👋

I hope you like this chapter. Please don't forget to vote if you did. Thank you! 😊

Stay awesome 🤗


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