Chapter 43: Christmas

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Today was Christmas eve and I was waiting on all my friends and Josh to come over. I had invited them to come over today so we could hang out and watch movies. I also planned on giving them their Christmas presents in case I didn't get to give them tomorrow. I could give Josh his gift tomorrow because my mother had invited him and his family over for Christmas dinner, but I decided to give everyone their gifts the same time.

I was sitting in the living room watching a Christmas movie while I waited. They told me that they were going to stop at the convenience store to get some snacks as it was their idea turn this into a movie marathon and hang out after we exchanged our gifts.

Yesterday I went shopping with Andrew. Andrew had informed me that he was going Christmas shopping and invited me to go along. I agreed, because I wanted to buy a few things as well as I hadn't done any Christmas shopping as yet. We spent the whole day out together and I was tired when I got back, but it was worth it because it had been a while since I had spend time with my brother.

I had bought my Christmas present for my parents and brothers as well, but I was going to give them tomorrow. They were nothing big, just a few small items from the gift shop that I bought with the money that I saved up.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of the doorbell. I got up from the couch and answered the door. Samantha, Stacy, Brandon and Ryder walked in. Brandon and Sam had been on a few dates since Brandon asked her to the Christmas dance, but they are not officially together yet but I know they will.

"Hey guys, what took you so long?" I asked.

"We took long at the store because Ryder here couldn't make up his mind about getting Doritos or Lays." Brandon answered giving Ryder a pointed look.

I laughed. "So what did you get?"

"Both." Ryder grinned, holding up a bag. I shook my head and laughed again. "What? They are both good." He defended.

I looked over their shoulders to see Josh and Ashton coming from the car carrying more bags. "I see you guys bought enough food."

"Of course we did. We didn't want to run out." Sam said and I nodded. Soon after Josh and Ashton came in.

"Hi babe." Josh greeted giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi." I answered, closing the door behind Ashton.

"Hi Lexie. Have you picked the movies as yet?" Ashton asked as he went over to the couch to sit with our friends.

"No. I was waiting on you guys." I went over to Brandon and Ryder and took the bags of chips from them. "I'm going to put these in bowls. I'll be right back." I went into the kitchen and emptied the entire contents of the bag in two bowls. I also got seven disposable cups from the cupboard and went back to the living room.

When I was in the living room, the guys were busy arguing about what movie to watch first. "Why haven't you guys chosen the first movie as yet?" I asked, placing the bowls and cups on the coffee table.

"We have, but the boys are not in agreement." Stacy answered crossing her arms.

"That's because we want to watch an horror movie first." Ashton shot back and the other boys nodded their heads in agreement. I shook my head and took my seat on the couch beside Josh.

"Which movie have you chosen?" I asked Stacy and Sam.

"Love Me." Sam answered.

"Nice choice. 'Love Me' it is." I grinned.

"What? No way!" Brandon shook is head in protest.

"Do you know what you are saying? 'Love Me' is a great mystery." I replied.

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