Chapter 25: Confessing The Truth (Part 1)

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Confessing The Truth (Part 1)

After half hour of driving, we came to a stop. I looked out of my window to see a fancy restaurant. Wow! I can't believe he would take me here. Josh opened his side of the car and hopped out coming around to open my door for me. I smiled at him and got out. He entwined his hands with mine and lead me to the entrance. Again, when his hand touch mine, I felt heat run throughout my body. The effect this boy had on me was undeniable.

He opened the door of the restaurant and ushered me inside. "After you." He said stepping aside for me to enter. He stepped in after me and closed the door. The inside of the restaurant was beautiful. A lot of customers were inside, but it was not crowded. Elegantly dressed waiters and waitresses were moving around serving the customers. A waitress came up to us, smiling politely.

"Table for two?" She asked and we both nodded. She escorted us to a table in the corner. She placed two menus on the table before us, took our drink order and left. She was back with our drinks shortly after and left again saying we should indicate when we were ready to order. Josh opened the menu and began to look through it.

"What are you ordering?" He asked me after a while.

I shrugged. "Anything you are ordering." He nodded his head and closed his menu, indicating to a waiter that we were ready to order. After the waiter came and we placed our orders, we were left alone again.

"So, this is really a nice place." I spread my hands around the wide area. "Is this where you bring all your dates?" I asked teasingly.

"Actually, you're the first person I have ever brought here. To be honest, you're the first person I have ever brought on an actual date." He said and I smiled at that. Even though I already know that, knowing I was the first girl he has brought on a date warmed my heart.

"How is Jillian doing?" I asked making conversation.

"She is doing great now. She asked about you a lot, wondering when you are coming over again." He responded.

"I'm glad to hear that. Let her know I miss her too." I said smiling fondly. We continued to talk about home, school and anything we could think of until our food came. I was glad he never brought up the subject of why I was ignoring him because I was not ready to discuss that as yet. I didn't want this date to be ruined. Throughout our dinner, I forget about everything and Troy. It was just Josh and I. He was charming, sweet and he made me laugh. I honestly had a great time with him.

After we were finished eating, Josh paid the bill and we left the restaurant. We both got in Josh's car and pulled out from the parking lot. We were driving for a while, when I realize that this was not the way to my house. It looked like he was not bringing me home as yet. Truth be told, I was glad because I didn't want this date to end as I wanted to spend more time with him. Five minutes later, the road that we were on became familiar as I recognized the wide expanse of trees on both sides of the road. Then it hit me. He was taking me to that place he took me before when we skipped school.

The car finally came to a stop and we exited the car to walk the rest of the journey. We walked hand in hand in silence until we came upon the bench overlooking the river. He sat down and I sat beside him. He looked out in front of him and he appeared to be in deep thought. He was quiet for some time now and I knew what he was going to ask me before he did.

"Why were you ignoring me yesterday?" He asked finally looking around to face me.

"It was not my choice." I replied looking away from him and to the ground.

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"It's a complicated story." I mumbled, playing with my hands. I wanted to tell him everything. God, I wanted to, but I was afraid of what the repercussions would be.

"You can tell me anything, Lexie." He used his fingers to lift my chin up. I looked into his eyes which burned with concern and sincerity. "You can trust me."

"I do trust you, Josh." I said and I realized it was true. There were a lot of things that I was not sure about in my life, but I was sure that I trust him. And I have realized that for some time now. I suddenly felt the need to confide in him, so I took a deep breath. My eyes never left his attentive ones. "It's Troy." I said softly.

"Who is Troy?" He asked confused.

"My ex-boyfriend. He goes to our school." I said. I knew Josh wouldn't know him because he has never paid attention to me before to know who I have dated. "Anyway, we dated in sophomore year and I broke it off with him because I didn't like how he was treating me."

"Like how?" Josh asked his face becoming serious.

I looked in front of me before answering. "He was very possessive; he would become very angry if I talked to another boy and...and..." I trailed off, looking down at my hands again feeling the tears I was trying to hold in rolled down my cheeks. "He would hit me." I added softly.

A/N: Hope you like this chapter. Comment and let me know what you think. Vote if you liked it.

The next chapter will be up soon. I love you guys.

Peace out! ✌


Cold Hearted Devil For A PartnerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora