Chapter 12: A Day With The Bad Boy

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(Picture of Jason)

A Day With The Bad Boy

During the weekend, I eventually told the girls everything that happened in details and we had a girls' day to try and get my mind off of what happened on Friday.

It was now Monday and I was in Biology class with Samantha beside me while Mr. Brayer was going on about the Endocrine System. I was impatiently waiting for the bell to ring while Sam was busy doodling in her notebook.

When the bell finally rang, I put my books in my bag and exited the classroom with Sam. When I was nearing my locker, I saw Josh leaning against it. I bid Sam bye and walked over to him.

"Let's go to my house to work on the assignment after school." He said blankly. I nodded and he walked away. I exchanged the books in my locker and head to my last class of the day.

When school was finished, I went to the parking lot to look for Josh's car and waited for him. When he arrived, I went in the passenger side of his car, while he went to the driver's side.

It took fifteen minutes to get to Josh's house. We exited the car and went into the house. He threw his bag down on the couch in the living and head to the kitchen.

"Want anything to drink?" He asked me over his shoulder. Well, at least he was trying to be civil.

"Yeah. Just some water please." I answered following behind him. He opened the fridge, but I stopped him, "Wait, aren't you going to wash your hands first? You were just coming from outside." I stated incredulously.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, but washed his hands nonetheless. He held his hands up and said, "There. Happy now?"

I just rolled my eyes in response. He opened the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and gave one to me. We went back to the living room and do our work.

One and a half hours later, we were finally finished. I was glad because I was losing my mind. During the whole time we worked, Josh and I argued a lot over the simplest things. Also, he would get angry if we disagreed on something so I tried as best as I could not to overstep because I didn't want to deal with his fury or his hostility. I didn't need another guy in my life who doesn't know how to deal with people. I wanted to just give up but at the same time I wanted to finish this assignment. It was either that or I was going to strangle him.

We closed our books and I stretched out on the floor. Sometime during our work, we ended up on the floor. "That was exhausting. Thank God we are finished." I said with a sigh.

He didn't say anything for a while and then he sighed and turned to me. "Was it that bad working with me?" He said and I gave him a look. Was he being serious right now?

"Yes. You kept annoying me and for some reason, that gave you pleasure." I said as I continued to glare at him.

"Come on, Cupcake. It wasn't like that." He said.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" I asked folding my arm over my chest. "My name is Alexandra or you can call me Lexie. I'll rather you call me either one."

"I know your name, but I prefer Cupcake." He countered with a shrug as if calling me that was a natural thing to do.

"You're unbelievable!" I huffed. "Where did you get that name from by the way?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I remember the first time you were here and my mom offered you cupcakes and you said you loved them. It was definitely obvious from the way you were eating them." He pulled an amused expression. He deep blue eyes bore into mine and I shifted uncomfortably. "After that, I just decided to call you cupcake." He said simply with a shrug.

I was shocked still and I felt my face heat up from embarrassment. I could not believe he remembered that. I was speechless. This boy is sure full of surprises. I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head.

We sat there for couple more minutes before I decided it was time to go home. I got up from the floor and gathered all the things we were working with and put them in my bag. However, before I could leave, Josh stopped me in my tracks, surprising me.

"Do you want to stay and hang out here for a bit? You could watch a movie if you'd like." He asked getting up as well. When he saw my shocked expression, he began to scratch the back of his neck, "Ugh...I mean just to relieve the tension that the work left us with. My mom and sister won't get here for a while anyway."

I was still shocked by his suggestion. Was he really asking me to spend time at his house? And watch a movie with him?

This didn't seem like something he'd do. I hesitated, after all we were not friends and he was always mean to me. "Yes, of course." I said smiling a little. "But please, no horror movies. It's late as it is."

He smirked at me, "I'm sorry, but apparently that's what we are watching." I just glared at him. Don't get me wrong, I loved horror movies, but sometimes I get scared watching them and I especially don't like to watch them at nights.

I sighed and gave in. I sat on the couch while he puts in Drag me to Hell. He then grabbed his phone and ordered pizza which added to my surprise. I was hungry so I didn't complain. He then came and sat beside me.

Fifteen minutes later, the doorbell rang indicating that the pizza was here. Josh answered the door and was back with a large pepperoni pizza and a large coke in his hands. He sat back down beside me and we dug in. Could you blame me? I was really hungry. I guess knew that.

Half way through the movie, I was getting really scared and unconsciously huddled closer to Josh. I felt warmth and tingly sitting this close to him. It's probably the fear that is running through my body, I thought to myself. I know I was going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Why was I doing this to myself again?

When the movie was over, I gave out a yawn. I was really tired as it had been a long day.

"I'm going home now. Thanks for the movie." I said to Josh, while grabbing my bag from the floor. It was now 7pm and I didn't want to walk at night, so I decided to call a taxi.

When I took out my phone to call the taxi, Josh stopped me with his hand on mine, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Um...calling a taxi?" I said confused, so it came out more as a question.

"No you are not. I'm taking you home." He said grabbing his jacket and keys.

"Really Josh, you don't have to go to all that trouble. I can call a taxi." I said shaking my head. However, he ignored me and continued to the door.

"It's not a problem. It's only right that I take you, after all I was the one that kept you late." He insisted. I honestly was surprised that he was being civil and a decent human being.

I watched him as he pulled the front door open and waited for me to step through. I realized that he won't take no for an answer so I gave up and went through the door. He followed behind me and closed the door after.

Why was he being nice to me?

I got in the car and gave him the address to my house. On my way home, I can't help but think; where did this nice boy come from? Where was the arrogant jerk that was unkind to everyone apart from his friends? Well he still was an arrogant jerk, but still...

I shook my head of all these thoughts as I came to the realization that I will never understand the mystery of Joshua Taylor.

A/N: Thank you guys for the reads. They mean a lot to me. Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments.
Check out the new wonderful cover made by FlamesRoyal. Big up yourself! I'm so in love with it :D

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