Chapter 7 | Priorities

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7 | Priorities

"And all of a sudden I felt really tired. Like the world had drained me for everything that I had".

Lilith Khin walked silently through the hallways of a house, looking for clues that would lead her to the killer of the Waynes and her parents

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Lilith Khin walked silently through the hallways of a house, looking for clues that would lead her to the killer of the Waynes and her parents. She had decided to go through the list of buyers of Wayne Enterprises' stocks just before the death of its owners. They had to know something would happen.

The first name on the list was Frank Diaz. He was the one who bought the biggest shares. Dick Lovecraft, the man under Harvey Dent's own investigation, was on the list too.

The Red Demon saw the sixty-year-old man sitting in front of his TV. On the news, they were talking about Ronald Danzer again, a politician who had stolen the pensions of many people throughout Gotham. This lasted for years and Lilith was sure it wouldn't go anywhere now. She didn't even pay attention to what they were saying about the man this time. She focused on Frank, who was dressed in nothing but his dark gray robe, and it was open, revealing his naked body. Lilith cringed at the sight, but quickly recovered and sneaked into his bedroom. What she found inside made her gasp.

On one of the walls, there was a collection of knives.

She hated the man but had to admit he had good taste when it comes to knives. They were of different shapes and sizes. Some older and some more recent, but all incredibly expensive and beautiful. A particular pair caught Lilith's attention. Twin Sais, to be more specific. Traditional weapons from Okinawan martial arts. Very sharp. Probably bought by Frank in an auction. That was where he bought most of his stuff.

"Is this love?" Lilith whispered as she picked up the blades, eying them in awe.

"Hey, you!" A voice shouted from behind her.

The Red Demon turned around slowly. There was Frank at the doorway. Once he landed his eyes on the red mask, he gulped but tried to avoid fear from showing up on his face. Too late.

"What are you doing here?" Frank asked and glanced at the twin sais in her hands. "Put that back. It doesn't belong to you. I bought it from a man in the Himalayas".

Lilith didn't reply, her eyes staring at him intensely. "My father was from around those parts, so I'm going to keep these. Now, let's talk business. What do you know about the Waynes and Khins' murders?"

The man scoffed. "What? You think you can come into my house and accuse me of murder?"

"I didn't accuse you of anything," her voice was calm, but angry at the same time. A deadly combination. "You better answer before I get nasty".

"You help the people of Gotham!" Frank exclaimed. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You're right. I do help the people of Gotham," she nodded, taking a couple of steps forward. Frank, in turn, took a couple of steps back. "By getting rid of people like you. Now talk".

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