Chapter 2

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Britney left in a rage as you went back to reading. She isn't even the highest on the social ladder. If you choose to be like Nate then you would be higher than her. Britney isn't exactly the smartest person.

The day went by relatively normal. A few people came up to you but nothing really happened. You met Nate at the gate. "Hey, do you want to play a card game tonight?" He asked me.

"Once I'm done studying. Then we'll play. Prepare to lose." You had always been good at card games. Your luck is amazing in almost every game. Except for poker. It's not like you have a bad poker face or anything. You only had just enough to beat most of the opponents. Your luck always ran out at the end.

You stared down at your card and then inspected your opponent's face looking for a sign of worry or hope. The rest of the class watched the intense game. This guy was your worst enemy he would always beat you. His glasses hid any sign of emotion in his eyes.

You don't know why your 7th-grade teacher would let you play poker and bet on things you could find around the classroom. You're not complaining it was a good way to pass the time.

Your hand was a straight flush however knowing him he probably has a royal flush. You glance at the clock seeing as you only had a few minutes left you went all in. He placed all of his erasers, broken pencils, whole pencils, glue sticks, and other items in his bets. When you two showed our cards he had a royal flush.

"Good game (y/n). Maybe next time your luck will be better." He smiled with his blue hair brushing the side of his cheek.

"Next time we play a game of my choice." You start rounding the cards up.

"You know I can't beat you in other games."  He sighed.

"Exactly." Those were the last words you said as you put the cards back in the box.

You stretched as you turned off your study light. You grabbed a deck of cards that you usually kept in your desk in case you got bored. You walked out of your room to see Nate who was sitting and doing something on his phone.

"Can I shuffle?" He asked pointing at the deck. You threw it over to him. The doorbell rang so you answered it.

"Hello, is Nate home?" A girl smiled back at you, you nodded and let her in.

Alexa Katz, high on the social ladder and one of the best soccer players in the school. Her skin has a permanent tan from all the time she had spent outside. Her dark blue hair and black eyes match it perfectly. She is the only girl that Nate has asked you to obverse that you would trust. She's a senior and in most of the same classes as Nate

You were about to close the door when a hand stopped it. "I know I'm not invited but I can't trust Alexa on her own." My eyes laid upon a familiar face. "Oh hi (Y/n). It's been a long time since we spoke. I wish we could have played another game."

Reese Katz, part of the four kings. No doubt the smartest one out of the four. We only talked when we would play poker. He has the same blue hair as his sister Alexa, but he has emerald green eyes. Your trust meter with him is on a seven. He hasn't given you a reason to not trust him, but it's just something about him. You are both juniors however you barely talk considering his social status.

"Come in then." You welcomed him in. Nate was done shuffling the cards and setting up go fish.

"See Reese I told you we were only going to play cards. God, you're so overprotective sometimes." She took a seat next to Nate. You sat down and look at my cards. You spotted a book and placed four kings on the table.

"How? I knew your luck was amazing but not this good!" Nate buried his face in his cards.

"You already knew not to doubt me." You smiled at him.

The game went on normally. As expected you came in first and Reese got second. "It's not fair! Why are you the lucky and smart one." Nate complained. He only got one book because he didn't play his cards right at the start and everyone knew what he was looking for.

Your phone buzzed and you checked it. "Sorry things are taking longer than expected. The trip is going to last for two more months." My mom had texted me.

You groaned before showing Nate my phone. "WHAT?!?! TWO MONTHS? THEY'VE BEEN GONE FOR ALMOST A YEAR!" Nate yelled.

"Nate no yelling in the house. Anyway, I'm going to be in my room." You stood up. "(Y/n) tomorrow do you want to meet the rest of the kings? You seem like someone they would like." Reese offered.

Alexa looked offended since she was never allowed to meet them herself. "No. I don't like socializing and would rather not get involved with the ladder." You refused.

"Ladder that's a strange way to put it," Alexa said.

"I just prefer calling it that." You walked over to your room and shut the door. Knowing how diligent Reese is he will find a way to get what he wants.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now