Chapter 19

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You don't exactly remember how you got here. You just know that earlier you received your last ace. Now you're sitting next to someone you thought you could trust.

Earlier that day

"What do you mean the room isn't ready?!" Reese yelled at Jasper.

"I'm sorry," He said on the verge of tears. He hated being yelled at. (You deserve it you little demon) "they called me and said it wasn't ready right after you did it."

Reese groaned in frustration as he stared at your passed-out body. "I have somewhere to put her for now."

He picked you up and carried you to the basement. "Hey, emo boy." Hazel greeted bored and stared at the ceiling.

"For the last time, I am not emo!" His voice cracked as she stifled a laugh.

"You owe me 150 dollars." She counted the days he had locked her in the basement. "If you were Atlas it would be free. Sadly I didn't get quote on quote kidnapped by him."

"Sadly you were the only puppet that could get close to her." Reese sighed putting you on a comfortable-looking spot. He pulled out the money he owed and gave it to her.

Reese left the room and Hazel stared at you wondering what you had that she didn't. She was angry at you for capturing Atlas's heart. For now, she couldn't do anything about it. If she did she would be dead the next morning.

Hours went by as she waited for you to wake up.

When you finally did you were confused about how and why you were here. Xander was right about something for once. The person doing this really does have something against you.

You look next to you and saw Hazel.

Maybe not. She would be dead. "Hey what happened?" you asked.

"You somehow got the kings to fall in love with you. And I was tasked with keeping you safe and making sure everything was ok." She smiled.

"Why would they tell you to do that?" You paused for a brief moment. "Wait are you a puppet?"

Hazel chuckled nervously and nodded. You ignored her waiting for what happened next. You didn't expect it.

As the door opened up you expected Reese but you were met with Alexas eyes. "I don't have a lot of time but come with me." She whispered as she grabbed you and Hazel's wrists. She brought you to her room and shines you in the closet and was halfway into hiding Hazel when her brother came in.

"Hey Alexa have you seen my-" He paused to examine the scene. "What are you doing?" You could best the anger in his voice as you steady your breathing.

"Why are you keeping two girls in the basement?" She asked.

Reese texted someone from the kings to meet him in Alexa's room. "That is none of your business." He pulled out a knife. 'Where did he keep this knife anyway?'

You heard the door open as another person entered the room. The two worked as a pair to knock Alexa and Hazel down. Reese stabbed Hazel in the chest until he was sure she was dead and then he placed his focus on Alexa.

"Tell me where she is," Reese said pointing to his knife which was now covered in blood.

"Never!" She exclaimed.

Reese sighed before saying his last words to his sister. "Don't try to be a hero. They never make it out alive." The rest was a blur as Alexa took her final breath.

Now Jasper had his sinister smile as he saw you. As you imagine what would happen to you now.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now