The Joker's Last Laugh

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"Whatcha got there birdie?" Xander's toxic purple eyes shone through the dark hallway making you regret all of your life choices.

"I umm..." You fumbled on your words trying to make up an excuse. He grabbed the matches out of your hand and looked back at you.

"Seem's like our plans will have to be pushed a few days ahead of what we expected." He muttered under his breath. "Come on let's gather the others."

Xander led you down the halls as he knocked on each King's door and woke them up. He explained the situation and they nodded. "This sure unexpected. I thought you would have given up by now." Reese chuckled, you glared at him as he cowered away in your gaze.

You stayed quiet trying to make a quick plan in your head. There's no way you could easily escape. Even if you did manage to get free from Xander's grasp it would be worth less.

Atlas was the last to join the group. He stared down at you with his cold, disapproving eyes. "If you wanted our conversation from earlier to happen faster than you could have just said so." While his eyes spoke a different language his voice had a tone of amusement. It's strange, you can never tell what was going through his head.

They took you to a room. The same room where they seemed to make all of their decisions. Reese explained your desperate situation. "Basically you get to choose who gets you. We know you love all of us very much however some people have been having trouble sharing you. So we decided this is the best solution." He smiled when his speech came to an end, fuck you were right. The one time you were right about your fucked up situation is bad. 

You did promise Xander you would choose him. But that promise was just so he wouldn't rat you out to the kings. 

Fuck. What were you going to do? You sure as hell wouldn't choose Jasper or Xander. Jasper is well, Jasper. If you were desperate you would choose him. However, you are not desperate as of right now. And Xander is a psychotic bitch who would probably bash your head in when he got the chance. 

Atlas would give you a comfortable life but that bastard would probably take away your eyesight or ability to talk if he had the chance. And he would have a chance because he is rich and that thought is terrifying.

You have no idea what would happen if you choose Leo. It's Leo, a living breathing wild card. He's an actor and could have been putting on a show to get you to trust him. 

You know what, fuck it, you're going with Reese. "Reese I guess," You resisted the temptation to say something that would probably get the other kings to behead you. 

Reese ran up to you and hugged you, "Trust me you will not regret this." 

Well, Reese was halfway correct. Turns out Xander had a gun. Even without the gun, Xander would have killed them. 

Xander aimed carefully not you shoot you. You tried to push Reese off of you, and it somehow worked. BANG! 

A bullet was fired through the air. In the next few seconds, the sound of three more bullets was fired. You don't know how Xander got a gun but one thought echoed through your head. Run

You looked around for an opportunity. You knew Xander wasn't shooting at you. Xander was mentally unwell but you knew one thing. He would never hurt you. Well, he did push you in that river, but that's another thing. You made your way into a closet. It was just a supply closet, but it would do. 

You sat down on the floor and covered your ears, just like you would do when your parents would fight at home. More gunshots rang through the air as you heard the screams and pounding footsteps of what remained of the kings.

Eventually, all the sound outside died down and you were alone. You weren't sure what had happened to everyone else in the house like Alice. Then the door opened. Xander offered his hand, the same hand that he used to hold the gun that took the life of the other kings and maybe Alice. With hesitance, you took his hand.  One hand covered your eyes the other was holding your hand. 

"Trust me you don't want to see this." Xander explained why he was blocking your eyesight, "Just trust me." You don't trust him normally, but you had to if you didn't want to die. You stepped on what you assumed was an arm or a leg. You tried to jump away, but Xander held you back. "We just have to get to a car, and then I will take you to our home then our life together will be perfect."

You didn't say anything knowing Xander could end your life in a matter of seconds. Now you were stuck with Xander for the rest of your life. 

A/N: I don't know if I mentioned this last time, but I changed the name of the endings. I know in a chapter I mentioned some of the names, but I got rid of that so if you remember the old chapter names those are wrong. These chapter names have to do with the cards.

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