Chapter 34

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After Atlas had left you sighed in relief.  You went back to your drawer and dug through it and counted the items you needed to escape. You groaned when you realized you were still missing some parts of your plan. 

You only needed a few items and your plan will be perfect. All you needed to do was make sure the Kings and Xander were asleep, and then you would be free. 

For tonight will be the night you escape. 

You knew where to find the item. The people that worked in the house had been willing. You had been banned from talking to them, but you communicated with them through notes. You technically weren't breaking the rules. Usually talking is meant verbally. You have not been communicating with them with your voice, so everything was fine. 

 You waited until you knew Atlas was in his room. You slipped into the darkness being as quiet as death and as quick as flames spreading on gasoline. You made it to the area where you met up with the house workers. You wrote down your request and they nodded. 

What was this item you needed to leave anyway? 

It could have been something like rope or the house keys however, you had already gotten those items. You could have escaped, but you would never be free until the five are dead. When you do escape Reese would just hunt you down again, and then you would be trapped again. Your solution was permanent. That night when you successfully escaped with Alice you would set the house aflame and put an end to the lives of the men who trapped you once and for all. 

If they didn't want you to kill them, then they shouldn't have trapped you in this living hell. They should know by now that you don't go down without a fight. Sure you had your lows and your plan didn't always work out. Well, they did work out you just didn't always get the ending you wanted. 

Wait your plan to kill them originally didn't work out. But that plan was sloppy and hastily put together. You just grabbed a gun you found and ran into the room where they were and pointed at Jasper. The better choice would be to point at Xander. He was the one that took you down, and maybe you could have scared him into not moving. 

No, that wouldn't have worked. If anything Death is scared of Xander. 

You should probably stop lingering on the past. If Xander had caught you that day he caught you. There is nothing you could do about it. 

When the house workers gave you some matches you smiled at them and mouthed, thank you. They had done so much to help you in your time here. You wrote down that they should leave right now. The boys were the only ones that deserved to die. 

When the worker nodded and left you started to head back to your room. 

Well, you were about to until someone grabbed your arm and stopped you. They leaned in and whispered, "Watcha got there birdie?" 

A/N: With that, the endings will start. I won't tell you the order of the endings yet, but I will tell you the true ending will be last

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