Chapter 18

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As the days went on a cat delivered your next card Ace of Hearts.

The next day you heard Hazel had gone missing. You were the main suspect in the investigations. Some policemen came by and search your house but found nothing.

Days went on as your anxiety increased. You've already lost so many people and Xander wasn't helping.

"Whoever's doing this stuff must have something against you birdie." Those toxic purple eyes stared at you awaiting your response. "Might have to lock you up in a birdcage to keep you safe."

"I know you have some part in this you crazy piece of shit." You muttered.

"What was that birdie?"

"How did you come up with the nickname birdie anyway?" You quickly changed the subject.

"You've always found a way to fly away from me. You either told Nate or avoided me at school. You always escaped me like a bird." He flashed that psychotic smile.

Atlas punched the wall until his knuckles were bleeding. "Shit." He muttered under his breath.

"Hey At! Mother wants you to stop punching the wall!" His older brother Judas yelled. Atlas rolled his eyes and grabbed some bandages to minimize the bleeding. "What's got you so upset anyway?" Judas walked into his brother's room.

His black hair shone in the Atlas's room. His dull baby-blue eyes inspected his younger brother. He wondered how he ended up this way. He left for college and when he visits he ends up this way. He does see himself in his younger brother.

"It's this girl that every single king seems to want her. The worst part is we have this plan all because we all are terrible at getting along with this girl." Atlas groaned. "Well we try to get along with her I've made some progress but she hates me because I'm a king!"

"Let me guess it's a Reese's Pieces plan?" Judas waited for something Atlas nodded. "I say find a way to be alone with her permanently, then take out her voice box so she can't talk therefore she can't ask for help. Lastly spend the rest of your life with her. It's what Mother did the Father."

Atlas rolled his eyes. He couldn't do that to you. "Get out." He said in a firm voice. "You sound just like Mother." Judas sighed before leaving his younger brothers room.

Atlas got a message from Reese.

Reese: your puppets being mean to me 😭

Atlas: What did she say?

Reese: she called me emo I am not an emo

Atlas: Definitely

Reese: wow I thought you liked me

Atlas: Where did you get that idea?

Reese: you haven't killed me yet

Atlas: If I could kill everyone I didn't like my whole family and almost the whole school would be dead

Reese: you're such a good king

Atlas: Tell me something I don't know

Reese: 😭😭😭

Atlas: I hope you choke on your next meal ❤️

Reese: you would have to choose a new king if I die

Atlas: Good your annoying

Reese: I'm telling Jasper

Atlas: Oh no I'm so scared what is that tiny little human going to do?

Reese: umm...

Atlas: Exactly

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now