Chapter 23

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Mentions of suicide there are going to be a lot of these from now on

As you stormed out the room while the two Grey siblings watched. Judas didn't understand what his younger brothers saw in you while Atlas had his usual emotionless expression.

The three Grey siblings didn't have anything in common except for a few things.

Judas Grey was a slacker with no determination or motivation and if he just applied himself he would be amazing. At least that's what his mother said. He did apply himself yet she never believed him.

Atlas was the middle child and could never outshine his younger brother. There was always something mother found that made him better than Atlas. Believe it or not, he didn't hate his younger brother for it because Atlas never needed his mother's approval.

Lastly the pride and joy, Nero. His mother simply adored him. Did that stop him from jumping off a building? No. Did it at least help him? No. Nero doubted every word of praise he heard from that woman. He knew it was true. Who couldn't love Nero?

Almost everyone loved him except the girl he loved. The moment he pulled you out of the lake and saved you from drowning he fell in love with those beautiful (e/c) eyes. He tried everything to get you to love him but nothing worked.

So when he visited you that night. The night you finally snapped. The night Sasha Middleton was murdered. He couldn't give you away.

You were perfection in his eyes and he had to protect you. Even if it meant doing what he had to do.

He helped you cut up the body. He helped you spread her pieces around the school. He helped you clean up the crime scene. He helped you get rid of evidence that would give you away.

He helped you and all he got was a thank you. He couldn't bring himself angry at you though. He could never be angry at your bright smile.

The guilt ate him up. He couldn't handle it anymore he had to tell someone. So he decided to tell his brothers as long as they promised to not say anything.

"And that's what happened." Nero's voice shook as tears formed in his eyes.

"You really love this girl this much?" Judas questioned. Nero nodded his head "and you're sure she didn't kill this girl over jealousy?"

"No, she's not the type to be jealous over something like that. She hates the kings and the queens. She just had a bad experience with Sasha." He defended you. Nero was sure you could do a better job if you were here.

"What did you say she looked like?" Atlas said knowing he would describe you in full detail. That's how you knew the youngest Grey sibling was in love. He knew everything about someone.

"There's her beautiful (e/c) eyes that can capture any man. Then her soft (s/t) skin-" Nero ranted about how perfectly you were for about an hour. It felt like an hour to the older siblings.

"You'll have to keep living this lie then if you love her so much. If she goes to prison join her." Judas gave the tip.

Nero stood and left the room not telling them another word. He opened up to them so they can help him with his problem. But they were as useless as their father who just sits there all day not being able to do anything.

That night Nero drafted his suicide note. He couldn't keep it hidden any longer. He had to do something about it. That something was his suicide.

With Nero gone Atlas become the favorite and Nero became the disgrace. Judas was no longer shamed for his bad grades or lack of effort it was always Nero for being too weak to handle the family pressure.

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