Chapter 29

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"You just can't seem to stay out of trouble birdie." Xander chuckled as his toxic purple eyes cutting into your soul. "We might have to get better at punishing you."

Xander grabbed your arm placing a firm grip but not too tight. "God I fucking hate you." 

"You're the one that makes things worse for yourself." Leo pitched in trying to help Xander. 

"Shut up you mentally ill theater kid!" You snapped at him

Leo looked away with a depressed look in his eyes until saying "You didnt have to be rude about it..."

Xander tugged on your arm. You glared at him, so his response was to pick you up and carry you bridal style. "Come on Leo. If you're not going to help I'll do it myself." 

Leo just stared and didnt say anything, and you struggled and fought against Xander. "Let's make a deal." He whispered in your ear.  He started walking out of Alice's room and down one of the hallways with Leo slowly trailing him. 

"Hmm?" You hummed.

"I won't tell the kings about this if you promise me something important. Eventually this thing is going to end. I hate to admit it but in the end someone is going to end up getting you, or you end up dying. But you must promise me. If it does come to a situation like that you must choose and escape with me." He said his usual teasing but toxic eyes turned serious. 

"W-What..." You stared in shock. You never thought about a situation where you would have to choose. You always thought you would just escape with Alice and run away to Canada or Iceland far away from the boys. If worst came to worst youd have to try to kill them. 

"We could finally do what i wanted to do all those years ago. We could run away and live without a care in the world." His eyes lit up just thinking about the idea. "This time you wouldnt have a choice..." He added on low enough, so you wouldn't hear. 

"My response is still the same. I can not do that. I have a life here and i can't throw that away." Unless it's going to Canada or Iceland with Alice.

"I'll kill your mom then. Shes the only living family member you have left and it's not like you have friends." 

You didnt respond considering your options. Going with Xander would probably be the safest option but if you went with Atlas you would be rich and set for life. No way would Jasper even be considered. You don't want to spend your life with Leo comforting him. He seems more like a friend, and he agrees that you two would just be friends and all he wants to do it protect you. Well he fails at protecting you. The problem with Reese is he can read you. Thats a dangerous game. So realistically Xander and Atlas would be preferred. 

"Deal, I'll feed into your fantasies if the time comes." You agreed. 

"Looks like I'm dropping you off at your room instead of the others. Good choice." He smiled before opening your door. 

"How did we just suddenly teleport to my room?" 

"We were just walking by it. It's no that deep my little birdie."

But deep down Xander was forming a plan. He was going to make a series of events that will force you to choose him. You would be putty in his hand that he could form to his liking. You were already perfect in his eyes he just needed to change a few things. 

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें