Chapter 9

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The next day at school you could see the difference between them. You could also feel their different attitude. Theo ruffled his hair and made it wavy. That's all he changed but it was easier to tell them apart now. Leo was angry while Theo was happy. Theo was just a more pleasant person to be around now that he was his own person.

Him and Hazel had become good friends. They seem to have a good dynamic too.

"(Hey (Y/n) we were thinking about trying something to drink. Want to join us?" Hazel asked you.

"I'm sorry but I'm visiting a friend's grave. Maybe another time." You excused yourself.

They nodded and respected that you wanted to be alone. As you walked to his grave the note grew heavier and heavier as you got closer.

As you were standing at his grave as you opened to notes a cold voice hit your ears. "You know that Jasper faked the note with the help of Reese right?"

You didn't answer and continued to open the note. "I have something to compare the writing to." Atlas pulled out a piece of paper.

He put the two pieces next to each other. The writing was identical. "Why would you help me? Do you want something?" You asked skeptically.

"I just want to know what Nero saw in you. I helped you so now you owe me a date." He held his hand out to take it.

Who knew the ice king could have feelings? "It's not a date."

"Whatever you say, princess." Atlas gave a grin.

You slapped him. "We are standing at your brother's grave. The brother that had a crush on me and you dare flirt with me. Disrespectful."

"Let's continue this out of the cemetery then." He offered.

"I have one more grave to visit. His death affected another one of my friends." You sighed and walked in the direction of Alice's grave. Once you were done you met Atlas out of the cemetery.

"Where do you want to go?" You ask him.

He thought for a second then answered "Let's get boba." How could you forget Atlas is a boba addict? Not many know but you know because that's your job.

You got to know the actual Atlas and not the cold front he puts on. You learned something you knew and some things you didn't know. Like how he hates Jasper and he didn't get a choice in choosing him as King.

"You're not as bad as I thought. Just don't approach me at school." You smiled at him. Pink drizzled his cheeks and you chuckled.

"Don't say that about me. I am better than you and you won't admit it."

"And the ice kings back." Your phone buzzed and when you checked it, it was a message from Nate. "Come home. You've been gone for too long." You rolled your eyes. "Sorry, my brothers playing mother sd making me come back home. I had a great time." You smiled one more time and walked off.

Atlas watched you walk away in anger. He was finally making progress and your brother had to ruin it. It was clear he was going to have to do something about that brat. But what would he do? He'll have to figure it out.

(Sorry I haven't been updating. School has been busy and my creativity has been at an all-time low but I have ideas for the next chapter)

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