The Club's Final Bow

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"Whatcha got there birdie?" Xander's toxic purple eyes shone through the dark hallway making you regret your life choices.

"I umm..." You fumbled on your words trying to make up an excuse. He grabbed the matches out of your hand and looked back at you.

"Seem's like our plans will have to be pushed a few days ahead of what we expected." He muttered under his breath. "Come on let's gather the others."

Xander led you down the halls as he knocked on each King's door and woke them up. He explained the situation and they nodded. "This sure unexpected. I thought you would have given up by now." Reese chuckled, you glared at him as he cowered away in your gaze.

You stayed quiet trying to make a quick plan in your head. There's no way you could easily escape. Even if you did manage to get free from Xander's grasp it would be worth less.

Atlas was the last to join the group. He stared down at you with his cold, disapproving eyes. "If you wanted our conversation from earlier to happen faster than you could have just said so." While his eyes spoke a different language his voice had a tone of amusement. Strangely, you can never tell what was going through his head.

They took you to a room. The same room where they seemed to make all of their decisions. Reese explained your desperate situation. "Basically you get to choose who gets you. We know you love all of us very much however some people have been having trouble sharing you. So we decided this is the best solution." He smiled when his speech came to an end, fuck you were right. The one time you were right about your fucked up situation is terrible.

What were you going to do? You sure as hell didn't want to pick anyone of them. They each had something wrong with them that drove you away from them. The reasons aren't just because they are popular.

Jasper is clingy, obsessive, personal space is nonexistent around him, and he would probably murder a cat or dog if that animal got more attention than him. You aren't quite sure Leo wanted to be here. He always seemed more like a friend than an obsessive guy but then again Leo is an actor. And that's the problem with him. Leo is an actor all the times you had with him watching musicals could have just been acting. He could have been doing it all along to get closer to you.

The next three are what you call the crazy trio. These three are the oldest but undoubtedly the worst out of the five.

Let's start with Atlas he's a rich fucking asshole. While yes Jasper was also a rich asshole, but Atlas was different. Jesper uses his money to trap girls he's obsessed with a fake their death. That's how Alice is stuck in here. While Atlas can and will use his money to rain hell on anyone who breathes the wrong way. You're also 90% sure he killed Nate.

How do you even begin with Reese? He is way too smart for his own good. You don't mean grade smart you mean murder and kidnapping smart. Who else could have organized this whole thing? Leo? No fucking way. Reese planned every move the kings did like they were the pieces on his chess board. God, he's got you making chess references. He also bribed a mental hospital that was keeping Xander away from society for everyone's safety to trap you in this living hell. He used Hazel to get close to you and find out about you. Apparently, he had a shrine dedicated to you. You don't know it's motherfucking Reese.

Now Xander is a complete menace to society. He calls you birdie who does that? He pushed you into a lake because you rejected him. Then he was locked away in another state for a few years then he just crashes into your life like a wrecking ball. He probably helped commit the murders of your friends and brother. Then he blackmails you into choosing him for this stupid thing. You aren't even going to choose him. But you do know who you are.

"Leo." You muttered under your breath.

Xander laughed believing he must have misheard you, "I'm sorry, can you repeat the birdie?"

You looked at Leo, "I said I choose Leo," Leo's face lit up.

"Come on! I have been imagining this day ever since Reese came up with this plan." Yep, Reese was the guy behind it all.

Ten years later

"Hey, Y/n are you ready for tonight's show?" Leo asked as he untied your hands. He had been trapping you in this room at night tied up to make sure you never leave him. In the day he had been forcing you to do theater performances.

Whenever you tried to escape or not perform he would do one of two things, he would try to hurt you by cutting you with a knife, or he would threaten to hurt himself or kill himself. You didn't understand why you would always try to stop him from doing horrible things to himself. He's a horrible person for all that he did to you.

Leo finished untying you, "Yes, but I'm a little sad that it's Estella's last show here. I know it's also ours, and we're moving away, but I will miss Estella." You sighed, Estella was the first to greet you and become your friend when your friend moved to this theater with Leo.

"Well, life goes on. We can't stay stuck on our old friends," Leo smiled trying you cheer you up, "If we did we would still be stuck with the other kings and Xander."

"I guess that's true, now let's do our best tonight!"

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