The Spade's Wish

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"Whatcha got there birdie?" Xander's toxic purple eyes shone through the dark hallway making you regret your life choices.

"I umm..." You fumbled on your words trying to make up an excuse. He grabbed the matches out of your hand and looked back at you.

"Seem's like our plans will have to be pushed a few days ahead of what we expected." He muttered under his breath. "Come on let's gather the others."

Xander led you down the halls as he knocked on each King's door and woke them up. He explained the situation and they nodded. "This sure unexpected. I thought you would have given up by now." Reese chuckled, you glared at him as he cowered away in your gaze.

You stayed quiet trying to make a quick plan in your head. There's no way you could easily escape. Even if you did manage to get free from Xander's grasp it would be worth less.

Atlas was the last to join the group. He stared down at you with his cold, disapproving eyes. "If you wanted our conversation from earlier to happen faster than you could have just said so." While his eyes spoke a different language his voice had a tone of amusement. Strangely, you can never tell what was going through his head.

They took you to a room. The same room where they seemed to make all of their decisions. Reese explained your desperate situation. "Basically you get to choose who gets you. We know you love all of us very much however some people have been having trouble sharing you. So we decided this is the best solution." He smiled when his speech came to an end, fuck you were right. The one time you were right about your fucked up situation is terrible.

Your heart beat increased as you thought of all the possibilities that could happen. None of them were good. You couldn't see yourself happy with any one them. Sure you would live a more comfortable life with Atlas or Jasper, but Atlas was a strange man and his family shared the strange gene. At least if you choose Jasper you would probably still be with Alice. But Alice hates you at the time. 

Xander was, how do you put it? Oh right, insane. You will never forget the time he pushed you into a river and almost killed you because you rejected him. You weren't even sure if Xander had a place to live half of the time. According to the stories from Jasper and Leo in the time that Xander was free he mainly stayed at their house. So an insane guy who might not even have a home, that is a no.

Reese would be unpredictable. But if you did choose him Xander would probably go crazy and murder everyone out of anger. For Reese saving him Xander was really ungrateful.  But that didn't matter because you were not choosing Reese.

Leo would be more of a friend than the guy you spend the rest of your life trapped with. His personality could also easily drag him the ones ones around him into a pit of insanity. That is a valuable variable to consider in the mist of chaos that is this hellhole they call a home. 

After silently agreeing with yourself you muttered the word you never thought you would mutter. "I chose Jasper." 

Jasper face lit up in joy. He ran over to you and trapped you in a tight hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" He said practically jumping. Still hugging you he said, "If you are not Y/n, Alice, or one of the house workers, leave my house or i will force you out." You heard the four leave their footsteps banging against the floor. "You'll never regret this." 

He was wrong. You did regret it. You spent every waking hour with Jasper. You thought he would get bored of you after a while, but he never did. Now you gave Jasper he number one wish. To be with you forever, and for you to never leave him. But hey at least you were with Alice. She got over the whole Sasha thing after a while. Your releshonship was never fully recovered but at least you weren't alone. 

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