Chapter 22

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Mentions of suicide

"Who's that?" Alice whispered.

"Judas Grey. He is Nero's and Atlas's older brother. He was king while you were still in school."You responded.

"Right right..." She nodded her head. "Wasn't he the main person trying to figure out who murdered Sasha?"

"No that's a Reese thing. He's too dumb for that."

"I see you have the whole gang here plus some new people." He scanned the room.

"Judy why are you here," Reese said glancing up from his cards.

Oh, how could you forget their annoying nicknames? "Mother wants At back home for a week or two so I used the tracker on his phone to find him. But while I'm here I should meet the new people." He smiled as he went around the room tapping people on their heads as he repeated their nicknames.

Reese was Reeses Pieces, Jasper Jaspy, and Leo the one you thought couldn't be shortened was Le. Judas would find a nickname for someone whether they like it or not.

"What's your name?" He stared at someone that looked like him just with purple eyes.

"Xander! I heard all about your pranks and the trouble you got yourself into when you were a king! I think we would make a good pair!" Xander had an excited yet mischievous voice.

"I'll call you X. I like your spirit little dude." Judas ruffled his hair.

He moved next to Alice. "Don't you dare touch my sister." Jasper glared daggers at him. Judas backed up as Alice laughed.

"Ok then." He squeaked moving to you. "What's your name?" He moved his hand close to your head.

"Don't touch me." You stared at your cards deciding which one to give him a cut on his face with. He didn't listen and taped you on your head. You used your queen of diamonds and scratched his hand. It didn't give a paper cut as you expected but it worked when he backed away from you.

"So I'm guessing the other girl is the one you keep talking about," Judas said his voice shaking. Your sudden attack had caught him off guard.

Atlas shook his head. "Actually it's the one that attacked you. Alice is just Jasper's sister whom he's obsessed with." Atlas yawned. "Yes, she's the same one from the queen's incident that's what made me aware of her existence in the first place. Not Reese even though he takes the credit."

Alice's head perked up. "The queen's incident? She had nothing to do with Sasha getting murdered. She had no reason to be jealous of the freshmen queen she hated them." She defended you.

"I take it they don't know." Judas's eyes inspected his brother.

"They should know. Y/n L/n was responsible for Nero's suicide and Sasha Middleton's murder. We have proof yet we never turned you in because we could never find you."

"You're going to tell me that my best friend Y/n who could barely look at his body after he jumped off of the roof is the same one that spread Sasha's body parts around the school? No, I don't believe it." Thankfully Alice is stubborn and won't believe some strangers over her best friend. "Nero also said that his family was the one that made him do it."

Nero and Judas exchanged looks before Judas said something. "He saw her commit the murder. He couldn't rat you out because he had feelings for her. Nero was weak and couldn't handle the pressure of keeping that secret so he went and did what weak people do. Die."

Alice gave you a pleading stare hoping for you to step in and say it's wrong and they should stop blaming you. "Yes, I did murder her. I had a reason and it wasn't for jealousy."

"Wait weren't you two friends up until eighth or seventh grade?" Reese recalled.

"Sasha was a toxic friend and I didn't want another person becoming a victim of her. When I saw someone I was on good terms with falling into her trap I couldn't leave them to die like a fly in a venus fly trap I had to protect them. If she was still alive whole knows what damage she could do to her." You justified your actions.

"That's not protecting me! If you wanted to help just tell me she's not a good friend and I'll help myself out of it!" Alice threw her cards on the table. "I can't believe I used to think you were a good person."

She left the room in anger. "Well hope you're happy. You just ruined a friendship I can never get back. If I hadn't made it clear I hate you all."

I think this has to be one of my favorite chapters though. I didn't even plan this it just popped into my head a few days ago like "What if y/n became a murderer?" well that's what happened.

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