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Sun settled his share of work the day and now was all set to retire itself somewhere behind the horizon. And the vast endless sky had put a colour show. The whole sky had painted itself in shades of orange and pink. Slowly changing itself from bright light blue to darker hues.

Even in this peaceful weather, Mrs. Shergill, the groom-to-be's mother could be heard screaming. Nothing much just old habit that Indian Mothers possess- of scolding their kids in regular intervals, even if there's no valid reason somehow, they just manage to invent some reason to scold you.

And this time Mrs. Shergill's blood pressure and vocal cords were well coordinatingly high as it was 4 already and the engagement was just in an hour. And mind its Mrs. Shergill scolded for 15 minutes, which means she kind of wasted 15 minutes of everyone in which they could get ready but who would dare to disclose this to her. After all who puts his hand knowingly in the mouth of hungry lioness. And at present moment Mrs. Shergill was no less than a lioness. From Karan's father's secretly smuggling sweets from plate onto his mouth even after having high blood sugar levels, to Karan's elder brother, Param's habit of chain smoking to Karan's habit of spending more time in office. Everyone was getting scolded for something that was completely not related to current scenario. But that's talent that every Indian Mother possesses they just gradually shift from scolding you for your immediate mistake to your past ones. And being a teacher for years now this came much more naturally to Mrs. Shergill.

After each one got their share of scolding Mrs. Shergill finally left along her elder daughter-in-law and Param's wife, Barkha and Param and Barkha's 8-year-old daughter, Soumya.


Karan looked at the mirror and it reflected his well-built body in a black sherwani with minimal golden work with golden trouser. Faizi had done a great job with gel, thought Karan as he combed his hair backward and ran trimmer on edges of his beard. After the final touch he glanced at his reflecting image in the mirror.

Shopping. These eight lettered words maybe a melody sounding word for most of girls but ask a guy about it, he surely will have different opinion on the same. And Karan was no different. So, when it came to his wedding shopping, Karan's excitement was inversely proportional to super-duper excited Monami's. Monami had literally done proper research about which look to go for. Visited a dozen markets in several cities, scrolled through hundreds of online shopping sites, watched some hundreds of videos on wedding looks, filled her phone gallery and Pinterest with wedding outfits, visited numerous shops and tired uncountable clothes just to pick some wedding outfits. Neither Karan had the zeal nor willingness to even try to match a percent of his ladylove's dedication to pick wedding outfits, so he decided to leave it to best. The 3 women of his life. His mother, his bhabhi and his ladylove.

Happy is what Karan looked and why won't he. He had all reasons to be happy, Afterall it was his engagement evening.


Monami kept swiping through her phone as she adored the group pictures clicked this afternoon. After so long it was that all of them could gather along at same place. She chuckled glancing at a picture in which Siddharth almost choked Faizi and Karan as he put his arms around the two and in another

Faizi and Siddharth were busy laughing over a joke cracked by Siddharth, Karan and Sanjana were busy talking and Monami smiled ear to ear as she took a selfie taking everyone in frame. No matter how many friends you make in life, the ones made in school and college hold a different place your heart. And memories made along them are ones that one cherishes throughout their life.

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